The Atchison Daily Globe from Atchison, Kansas (2024)


TRICE TWO CENTS. To the Democrats, Epuorth Leaguers, Leather Workers, and Jim Whitfield's Aggregation: Gut Heill ATCHISON AFFAIRS. John Atwood and Frank O'DonneU, trannwwri Senator W. A. Harris; and KANSAS DEMOCRATS- Leavenworth Mose Sarbach, Hoi ton.

I endorse the Dresent state administra All aort of I'araiiraphfclrf-ltOvar Tv-i vv vworth. June 15. Willis yet sailed and a later dispatch said that part of it had sailed. A dispatch The committee on credentials not tion, and all its various ref or ms. The Vaato Witk the T9Um la Ccrtala.

having reported at 3:30 p. the con II. Stacey, a prominent insurance agent nf eit.v and a wnawihrr of the firm from Tampa late last night said inai There are 460 seats on the first floor of the Sea ton theatre. When the resolutions will be read atto-mgnis session, and will probably be adopted without opposition. the fleet left Tampa yesterday morn- rrwu Ue ower mot.

After July 1, Roy Seaton will have charge of the theatre. Mrs. J. Iiolley is dangerously ill with catarrh of the stomach. vention adjourned until 1 p.

m-, anu the delegates went to the ball game. nt Htjwv KamiL of Kansas City, shot ins. Complaint comes irom himself in the head at 9 ciock uu: Democratic State eonvention was under full motion this morning nearly three- that th soldiers were loaded on ine Young's band has furnished music tr.r the, deleaves to-dav. and an ath well renresented, innm thm davs before they sail morning. He will die.

The cause is unknown. His business was apparent the following being only a partial list letic carnival has been provided for fourths of the seats were nlled ry ae legates, indicating an attendance of 350, ed, and packed away like sardines in a Sampson Makes the Astounding Report that Cu- ly in good shape. of the editors and eorresponaenu, pre box that they had wretched accommo The Missouri Pacifie pay ear will arrive in Atchison Saturday evening at 4:30 o'clock. The sun came out at 2:30 this afternoon. Does this mean ihe Lord loves This is more than was expected, although Jim Orr always insisted that sent E.

B. Buck, Winneia itwwk, dations, and the weather being not, Kaxsas City, Ma, June ts. rw. Stacey local partner, was surprised to their entertainment at Turner hall tonight, commencing at 9 p. m.

Jeff. Davis is a delegate from Manhattan, and is on one of the commit- C. A. Lamb, Parsons Eclipse J. ko bans are ftiomg me uauudb.

they suffered greatly. When the ships the number would be nearly 40U. i ne Chanute Blade J. B. Fugate, ewton uccu 1 bpi the men will De crowaeu ue- hotels all turned delegates away To an Associated Press reporter ne siu TUmev Sheridan, faoia neiur i spasick.

and their condition the Democrats? There was a strike at the Howard night and there was lively scramoiiug Snirit: W. P. Morrison, Sterling THE DEMOCRATS' SISTERS 1 TOPEKA LOVE SO ONE will be simply terrible. The bungling Clav Park is not in he could imagine of no cause ior ait. rooms.

However, all were accom continues. town to enjoy the Democratic eonven modated, and preparations are being factory this afternoon, and the factory was shut down. Kt.aoir'e Knsiness was in the best con- BUT JOHN w.liiuuii. Betaoerot; C. E.

Pugh, Abilene vnw icle Joe Lowe, Washington Palladium Paul Lovewell, Topeka Copital W. A. tion. made to take care of those who arrive Siav had been to Kansas Unless help soon arrives for the little tivdav. John Seaton has a lot of cards scat City on Monday, and appeared as usual.

fiftiHTi regiments are leave band of marines who have effected a The convention was called oroer tered around the theatre asking the r-. Thnmu for Tamoa during the Miss Mamie Tait will arrive neflrtr week from Urbana, IU-, to visit Mrs. Xorman Barrett, A flag expert says that the fine flag He was 35 years old, ana unmarrau. Evans, Kansas City Star J. ama.

Kansas City Time Walter S. Johnson, Troy CJikf; Charles Herold, Seneca at 10:45 a. with a prayer by Rev delegates not to stand on the seats. landing at Guantanamo, Cuba, they will be driven from their position. next few days is the mam suojecioi mh liter Will Foley Ji H.

Molineux, pastor of Trinity (Br Associated Fress- June navy department Kwtay posted the following bulletin "Sampson reports that he I wn reinforced bv several hundred Captain Seaton fears that in me ex- interest in the camD to-oay. it is T.irfrtv June 15. A mob tried They have had constant fighting since church. The delegates stood during tha ripipo-ates mav wain kj 1 I I. 111V 11 Democriit; Charley itunnam, City Journal Henry Shindler, Kansas F.

Neelev. Leavenworth on the Blair mill is "out oi proportion." The correct flag is twice as long oWa innfirm the report as army landing, the Snamaros giving meui hatter down the doors of the Clay the nraver. Rev. Molineux then wel cheer. But there will be nothing to no time for rest or sleep.

Two more iail after midnight. It was af- officials refuse to mscuss iu uu corned them to Atchison, and his re cheer about. The show in Atchison to Cubans, and that our forces at Guanta- Standard; F. M. Hartley, Arkansas t-ny the camn now believes it.

marines were killed in a light ounaay, marks were of such a character that day is simply an annex to the mg ter William S. Foley, convicieu murder of his mother, but he had been Democrat. as it is broad. Charley Clark, of Mt. Tleasant township, to-day brought in nine wolf scalps, for which he was allowed nine dollars nanio are in a very satisfactory conui There is general rejoicing anions iuc and four wounded.

thev attracted considerable applause. Populist show at 'lopeKa. soldiers. The call for the convention was men has never entertained Ti YVatrtrpner didn't attend the nwSrxr to the tax on beer, the price Siippcu UUl Vl uvv court vesterday reversed The town of Aeerraderos has been rad. after which C.

Mack Love, chair tatB convention before, but a territo- Sax Fkaxcisco, June 15. The four of beer per glass will not be raised, but convention, but a good many delegates visited his office to consult. a VoUi-'s case for a new by the county. Mrs. W.

H. Benton, of Des Moines, bv troops under General Eabi. man of the Democratic State eommit- vial vt'llt 1(111 waS held here in 1S60, tmwb scheduled to leave to-aay bar tenders will practice on jerKiug a 111 1 I iiviuauuiiu triaL The mob, which was composed told of the tempora The men urder General Garcia are co in a hall which stood on me it nf the Bvram hotel. G. W.

Glick Iowa, arrived to-day with her childsen to visit her mother, Mrs. John Evans in of about twenty-five men, left in ais- ry officers recommended by ine com shy glass. In this way, me war ueips the temperance cause. The Sister Convention at Topefca. rr.

is There were six for Manila are almost reaay ior signal to hoist anchor. All morning, the vessels were being put into shipshape condition. operating with American lorces. A Victory. cnist when it learned that roiey was a delegate to that convention.

West Atchison. mittee, and who are mentioned elsewhere, and asked that the recommendations he indorsed, which was done candidates for chhairman of the 1 op- miestion of the hour is Giiakataxmo, June 146 p. m. The 17 to i a I'lTV .111 Tift 1. rUlCV ulist convention to-day.

Alter roiican, VAr3AD m. m. w. TO-DAY'S TfcLEGRAPH BRIEFED TTansAs. it will be partly cloudy will tho npmncratic convention allow brought here to-day and placed in the with great enthusiasm.

Judfe J. F. Anilrews, of Lane county, Note, of tlie Maine Affair. Substantial recognition has been CaL Rahowitz, of the B. M.

freight room, will take a position as clerk in. the office, and Guy Melanger will take Raliowitz's position. TilmHil Sliatz. of Atchison, was re David Overmver. temporary chair itself to be sidetracked by the Popu county jail for safety.

to-night and Thursday, with scattered lists with the enrotv privilege of nam was chosen. Judge Andrews was escorted to the chair by the defeated candidates. ti izoiri annreciate the honor of ranlnet Rcslcn. man, then stepped I or warn auu addressed the delegates. His talk was showers.

did ate for lieutenant governor, -i AT. Paris. June 15. The cabinet mem- given by the navy department to the members of the gallant crew who took the Merrimac into the entrance of Santiago harbor, and sank her across the channel under the very muzzles of the American marines and Cubans to-uay completely routed a force of four hundred Spaniards. One American was slightly wounded.

The Spaniards lost ubout forty killed. Second Expedition Offi San Fkaxcisco, June 15. The second wr-io-hed anchor or will they establish a bloeKaae oi uie Hn Hic mnmincr reviewed the situa- SAVED BY A COBRA. channel bv Dutting a straigni for fusion with the Populists. There was no attempt to' conceal it, and his talk alontr that line was received with The ministers will assemble this Democratic ticket into the field? There 11V i presiding over a convention which is to renominate our present state officers.

I need not speak individually of those Thoir records will stand the afternoon with President Faure, when, leased from the insane asylum at Topeka yesterday, and returned to Atchison to-day. Ho has apparenily recovered. If the bridge assessment is reduced, and the assessment on other Atchison property is increased, look out for a A Tama Soak Iy Down IU life For a Snanish puns. Yesterday evening seems to be a determination to force only moderate enthusiasm, uvermyer Child. ffiniul rwncrnition was taken of their Ho Pnmilists to c-ive up at least three is one of the ablest orators in the state, ll( iw' iorshin.

although it is understood valor, when Secretary Long signed the ffiao the fellows who lavor most exacting criticism. In the great This strange story comes from India: A child a mere baby had strayed some i r.innbiTud the jungle. UlllW'f that Faure is urging him to continue and his talk, which lasted forty minutes, was interesting throughout. He orders to Admiral Sampson directing fusion at any cost are equally plent contest going on now, our party was howl. It is predicted that this is wnat uvu of all the members ot intBrsnersed it with enouen aouse Ol in office.

i Airline handed Faure the res- ful. A fight is probable. will be done. first to declare that tne principle in There under a tree ne rounu a i ntnininir atams cobraof unusual the crew. Lieutenant Hobson's reward alxiut 1 o'clock this afternoon and is now on the ay to Manila, The War Loau a Success.

"Washington, June 15. Assurance of the success of the war loan has been nWdntelv certain by two pro the Republicans to give it a Democratic humanity should be applied to tne of the. whole cabinet, which Th lohhir nf the Bvram resembled will come later through congress. They size, but being the son of a serpent charm He began by congratulating tne island of Cuba. the president accepted, while request- ring i I rip 1 nf the Chicasro board of trade the restoration ol ine er ho was not atraia ana, ouuuimg plates ii non still linger in a Spanish prison, dui The chairman at Hutchinson a iew ing the ministers to con inue and the overthrow and Miss Inez Rosger, who has been elected a teacher in the high school, has arrived ftom Minneapolis, where, she took a post graduate course to fit! herself for teaching.

If th delegates to any of the threa when they return again to their ships days ago asked 'Where would we now this morning. The chairmen oi me onmmittees were calling mem tion of affairs until their successor that their promotions will be awaiting bers to meet in designated places and were named. wM. th. machinery of the Dem be if Bryan was presiaeni j- that we would now be closing the war positions, each covering the entire present issue of $200,000.

siiiKscrintion of the National City them. The order sent to Admiral beside it In the shade, was soon lastasieep. While he slumbered a wild jungle snake another cobra came gliding out of the shadows in search of frogs and mice. At length in the course of its sinuous quest it reached the child an intruder in its domain, the representative of a hated race "itiTMrwnT, 1:1. fit Tiio-ht directed the pro- there was the greatest contusion.

Secretary of German Kmbay Snot. Lratic party he congratulated without the issuance of conventions being held in Atchison, the men as follows Daniel T.oNTins 15. While the first them on the Chicago convention, Cheers, and cries of "Hit era again i want some pretty silver novelty to take bank, the Central Trust company, and Wrmille opened to-day, was for nf the total issue that should The state central committee met in th narlnrs of The Bvram last night, Montasrue. master-at-arms, to be boat Lay on, McDuit. home as a souvenir of the good time secretary of the German embassy here, what he termed its immortal Count Von Arco-Valley, was emerging platform and its illustrious candidate.

ti Urvan brousrht out swain, from 850 a month to 1,300 a Edwin Taylor, of Wyandotte, nomin and elected David Overmyer as tempor- and quite helpless, i ne nomine reared its head, spread its scaly hood and emitted a vindictive hiss. At the sound it wv shrank, even in his irom ine cuiuaossj' ot ltla year. George Charette, gunner male, to he 0-nnner. from $50 a month to SI, ary chairman of the convention, iv. not be taken by the public.

Another proposal covering the entire amount came from J. Pierpont Morgan, and a -fi-ori two shnt-s from a revolver annlansn. He paid Krvan a triDute, ated William J. Fuller for secretary, and said, "Wyandotte county doesn ask for pie. We simply want to wait i-i-r i 400 a year.

Rudolph Clausen, Osborne H. L. Pepperill, of Concordia, was tpmnnrarv secretary, and J. B. they had in Atchison, they should call at Jacobs Bros.

One peculiar thing about the Doniphan road is that when other roads are bad, it gets good. All the country roads are bad now except the Doniphan at him. audHn his latest act oi amy to Ul lb m.w dreams. He stirred uneasily and thrust Hiiot ontormi the secretarv the sneaker prayed mat ue Deignan and Murphy, coxswains, number of associates. on the table.

rvr Atnhisnn. Charles C. out with hia ohubby hand, sensing UUC UU1H-. i -nM nolinved to I w. and returned: con wound not believed to be spared and Fuller was elected by acclamation.

Kuutiano on Famine nations. i ni 1 back but the is BUght cou- and F. Connelly be faUl. The assailant was arrested gratulated them that Kansas was no Craig JVich Ui Th( i missinr a. nolice- i- RormrilioAn state.

It was here ot at and a police 1 lnniTAr a Remiblican state It was here of Wichita, assistant to be chief boatswain's mates, an increase of $20 a month. George F. Phil-lipps, machinist, to be chief machinist, basket so sharply as to dislodge ine oovr, which had not been properly fastened. Then he lapsed back into the deep slumber r.r,UritThtsrl. isiRbvthe Associated Press.

Oshorne. were re-elected jad. TomLangan "mired twice in after firing missing fwo Sivtiaco de Cvba, Saturday n.i,-ini,iinnn will uuuuuur v- coming to town this morning. he drifted to fusion Dy reierring io man. His motive is unknown aaDiouuv 11 Per Associated Press dis edly be made permanent.

of tired babyhood. But the jar of the blow on the basket had thoroughly aroused the tame serpent John Martin's honeless race for gov from S40 a month to $70 a monin. Franeis Kelly, water tender, to be chief machinist, from 837 a month to $70 a The Epworth league this afternoon The whole ticket, with tne excepnu.ii witch boat Wanda, June 15. Sampson Tbe Captain and Family Dtownrd. elected C.

W. Postlethwaite president ernor on the Democratic tiCKei wnen i-t nn pxfieemnffiv liutpTiftnt ffovernor nA with their combined forces, I lie lCUJW-1 uaw 1 UJ- rw York. June 15. The schooner Li no wulk-1 untenant governor he was snowed under by .82,000 major for the coming year, but he refused to and knew its meaning, lor its luiiBuiiao Gypsum Princess, was sunk by llision ity. The two parties put up one can- accept, and at clock one Inul edupto the hotel registers, and not Harv-y recently was, appointed major was her own.

It was as when a native month. In addition to the promotions, steps have already been taken towards the presentation of medals to Con-cfrntnr Tlobson and the members of with the North German Ldoya steamer are slowly, but surely, placing such a net work about Santiago, and are cutting off so effectually every source of oiH that within a short time r.or),AiLra hnr untamed teuow in 1890. Uich ne swd was an one of them was comptsiiea iu maivc u.o ot tne iwcuipt intin tn murder the babe Pme lust. tiii-ht. The eaptaiii.

ol th nnpnpr. The successful fusion Ttiinmu something oi a sur- tpers. ana is now nu his o-allant crew. new honors Gypsum Princess, David Merriam, and pannirlats and issues were then re Falls Church, Va. It is i tho noritr.

who nas Deen Nation's tapping will give way to been elected his plaee. ine ueaguo will meet next year at Wetmore. Samuel Hundley to-day purchased an eighty acre farm in Walnut township from Mrs. Elizabeth Jackson, of Kan-ritv. for S3.

500. Mrs. Jackson op priac iw i pnnvention at awaits Constructor Hobson, who and executed the brilliant tnat me hrnno-ht ud in a KepuDiican comumii- wife and three children were arowueu. The crew was saved. viewed, and the administration ot T.ppdv was indorsed.

He said Demo solid knocking for admittance will nominate David uver Reoublican esti irr of the ill-fated people. cratic votes elected the present state coup, have not as yet been disclosed. meyer for lieutenant governor, and the Ll 1 ,1, which she has in ohargo, Suddenly tho loose cover was flung off. She, too, had reared her head, and hissing out her answer to the challenge she wound her way to the unconscious baby's feet, where she faced the enemy with dilated crest and flickering tonguo. There was a moment's pause as the two frighful reptiles, veritable basilisks in mates of Democrats.

I5choe of the Wheat Beal. Cmr aoo. June 15. The assumption administration and he was proud of Pnlist. convention will indorse mm.

it With the excention of the After July 3, the commander of the Wm Suntiaco Harbor will be Tl Arnold, a harness maicer ai There was a strong movement iu nf T.eiter's cash wheat by Armour had Within three days, separate three sources of supply and reinforcements have been cut off, and Santiago is now isolatecf'from the world and is down to famine rations. of G. W. Glick he ti is attending tne David Martin, formerly cluei justice, erates a laundry in Kansas City, and is the woman whose husband was killed by Dr. Goddard.

The Salina base ball club will play in Atchison next Sunday, Monday and a steadying influence in wheat to-day, known as Commodore Sampson. nna -iijf, pnnvpnt.ion. He says that Ellis county thnuc-ht it the best Kansas has had. elected as a Republican, in nomination and prices ruled higher, it. is gener iustice to-day, hut aiaruu A ftpr reviewing the acts ot tne ieeuy has im.nnn acres of wheat in as nne It is claimed that one reason Spain arUniniKt.rat.inn.

he asked if the Demo- condition as it is possible for wheat to aspect and so liKe mac eacu mirrored reflection of the other, swayed in passionate anger from side to side, watch-lita wreatlora for a favorable opening. preemptorily refused to run, announc ally conceded that this nas put an euu to the prospect of many holders of that will lose is that she has no expert en Tuesday. On the following tour o-otvi wniilrl indnrse or condemn tnem. Tt, is exnected that the crop irom the Atchison club will play in carina, War Legilative 31caure. Wasiiinotox.

June 15. The house met to-day at 10 o'clock, to resume the tt t.iv ing that he was not a had no desire to re-enter public life. commodity tumbling over eacn otner to Hp thought their answer would be ii mmitj will amount to three (inch nf risrtlnar fane3 too gineers. Those in the employ of the United States are particularly capable this connection much lillUll UUV returning to Atchison for games wita sell out, and spoiling the niarKet ior that, thpi? had voted for the Leedy fel- million bushels. Plenty ot wneat in Topeka on Sunday, Monday ami i uw pvprvbodv.

swift for tho eye to follow they closed and began to writhe in mortal combat, twined lnwii nnw. and that thev were good Democrat, of Massachu- irili county. Mr. Arnold says, win day. The following Wednesday, Xkw York.

June la. The snerin nas regret is expressed that the skill of the the 1 fc A reward, ,1,.. 11 a aimrl ol liviutf roue, pnontrh to vote for asain. He thought Omaha, June regular national committee of the People party is meeting here to-day, and it has to kee.D out the mk onnoscd annexation on yield forty bushels per acre. WJmv.

1.11., fa.iut.inoranri contracting, strain issued another attachment against Joe engineer is not recognized by he saw things shaping themselves so Thursday, 1'riday aim saiuruay, Atchison club will piny in Topeka. The Schmelzers will play in Atchison T.piter. of Chicasro. in tavor oi tne m. thi-pp- delegations from praise and bravery, in every telling ing and swaying with all the power or that the old indestructable democracy J.11CIC e.

a a ngllli oil ma 1 who at Julfchvule t.lmir India rubber muscles ana savu8tv Thames-Mersey Marine Insurance com wnniH ncrain be the combined opposi- Wvandotte county, and the committee i. Viptwppn rith t.l.rtir vfinom laden jaws UllUUlli-vi a separate Milton on Sunday, July 3, and two games on pany, for $81,915. thp Tienublicans. instead ot iai, yvaL vi.f,.-.. on credentials musi ui naval engagement.

The girls can't become war nurses to prove their patriotism, but they can Everv wad of chewing they slid about in knotted, palpitating iM th Bl.wninff infant, and for paA national committee. Arrangements for closing the L.eiter them. One is the Leedy or fusion push tha thrp nitrties now in existence ground that an injurious larjor element would be brought into competition with American laborers. Supporting the resolution, Berry, Democrat, of Kentucky, devoted much of his time to show that annexation was in line with Democratic policy. June 15.

The general Park's anti-fusion commit deal have been completed. The final nipmhers of the present state ad the Fourth. Frank Ebert Davies, youngest son of Wm. M. Davies, the tailor, died at 9:20 o'clock this morning.

His death i- another is the gold standard Democrats, and the third is the anti-fusion Demo tee are members also of Senator Marion ViUiTLJ uj bu-w a long time neither was able to gain the mastery, 60 equally were they matched in th (n miickneas and in cunning. apers were placed before Leiter to ministration were Democrats, he said, committee, ana an day, and 7,000,000 bushels ot choice gum represents a revenue to the government to carry on the war. The man crats. Each claims to be the only prop tho nthprs were nearly so. loucn cash wheat were consigned to Armour, inn- nn national matters, he said while No battle of dragons oould be fiercer or er delegation.

wlir, am okes is also in position to prove the present administration was the that he is doing it in a public spirit. summer, through vvnaivoii iii, Philadelphia, they have been working hard to secure proxies. The regular committee, to offset tne scheme of the The athletic tournament at Turner mure uiucitiin. Meanwhile the baby had been missed a lHtin mmn was all astir. The very creature of money, that it had tr, war with the most cruel and hll this eveninsr, arranged to enter- ou who will henceforth control all tne Leiter holdings.

To-Iy' markets. June wheat opened to-day in Chicago at 84c. and closed at 88c July lafpst. Fred. Funston rumor is deficiency bill, carrying an aggregate --4 033,333, was reported to the house to-dav.

All but 818,205,026 is for war expenses, and 88,070,873 of these ordinary deficiencies are for pensions. Knew WUU biiaw traced directly to a fall received ahout four years ago. On Monday afternoon he was seized with spasms, and did not regain consciousness until he died thin morning. The deceased was 19 years of age. The funeral will occur from the residence, at Seventh and Parallel streets, at 4 o'clock to-morrow after- oir, thp visitors to the Democratic middle-of-the-roaders, have secureu a olcn that he will not go to the Philippines bloodthirsty of powers, and that while ut.u will not be tne tern large numDer oi with the Twentieth Kansas, but win 'Mite that struggle goes on no uemouiai, falter in his duty.

The speaker ble affair some people imagine. First class men will box for points, and there eturn to the staff of General Miles, his Contests in several states nave to ue settled, and Chairman Butler appointed wheat opened at 79c, and closed at 79 September wheat opened at declared that the Democratic party is information about Cuba being particu and closed at 73 4c high rniaiiy AVill Keep Hands Off. Washington, June 15. The state department has been officially advised that the reports that Germany would intervene in the Philippines, are un will be nothing brutal aoow u. oim Corbett was not injured at the prize fisrht at Carson City, when Bob Fizsim- responsible for the sentiment wnicn coerced the Republicans into its de noon, Rev.

Countermine oniciuuugi The remains will be interred at Mt Vernon cemetery, i est 72c: lowest. 7Uc. Juiy corn larly valuable. Munyon should aclopt Funston's methods; they are better than giving away samples. a credentials committo lavorame to ins side.

Every one is a fusionist. This committee is now considering the contests. The Park committee has not yet obtained any material concessions fence of suffering and bleeding tuba. opened at 32K32c, and closed at mons knocked mm ouu, the exhibition was not Tiio pnmmittees on rules and order 34c; September corn opened at a tg hllSlTlPSS. resolutions, credentials 33 Uc, and closed at 34 July oats The soldiers at Chickamauga indulge in such rowdyism that the people of a town adioininsr the park, have from the Butler commute.

24c. and closed at 25c. bintal. A boxing match is tame compared to a foot ball game, and fewer men are iniured in prize fights than in and permanent organization are com- i member for each of the CHEAP warranted. (ierman ships have been at Manila to afford protection to German subjects and property, but Germany has not thought of intervention.

1 Tlir nnrk onened at y.4. ana ciosea at MlNNEAPOUS, June 15. The three allied silver parties Democrats, noWl to Governor Atkinson for i i so 85. July lard opened at $5.70, and 1. 1- I i I thirtv-five indicia! districts.

a jui-iii" foot ball games. A man who is 'knock protection. and Silver Republicans are Advertisem*nts Under This Head, Tares closed at $5.85. July ribs opened at tn tbe three contesting delega $5.37, and closed at $5. 55.

Crawford tents Ter Line rer oy, or Half Cent Per Word. in session here to-day, endeavoring to i fimmn state ticket. The Poinh K. Worden, of company ed out" is not killed ne is simpiy -ned, and fails to come up to the scratch in a given- time. In ninety-nine eases tions from Wyandotte county, the committee on credentials was unable to Twenty- first Kansas, died in a hospital WarSiote.

KEi- West, June 15. The British boat, Twickenham, captured off King-ip 10. bv the auxiliary cruiser agree Balcom. Kansas City Wheat, irregular; No. pprtaintv IS tne uuiuiuauuu iv conclude its business by 3 p.

tne at, Chickamauga last night, of spinal out of a hundred, tne iosci i of ex-Conrressmanuonu lhuu, fight walks away with tne victor, nun meningitis. His home is in Syracuse. hour set for the afternoon session to ue The committee on 1 hard. 88c No. 2 hard, 85WS8C ISO.

6 now quartermaster of the Twelfth -To buy a soconit hand small AIT ANTED- the affair to-night will De a noxing Cili-ictt tu hard, 83S7c No. 1 red, 85c No. 2 red, office safe. Quigley ana meiucKsier- volunteers, at i-iiiiaviuunuKO" If In a speech at the dedicatory exer resolutions did not complete itsworK match, and not a prize ngm. uim cantlle Co.

Mr St. Louis, arrived here to-day cnarge of a prize crew. She had on board 3 000 tons of coal, and one passenger, supposed to be an employe of the Spanish government. A Middle-of-the-Road Populist bolt lb 80c bid 85c asked No. 3 red, 7880c; Nn.

2 serine. 82c No. 3 spring, 80c. cises of the Nebraska building at the until 3:15 p. m.

Whitfield, the famous sporting euiuu nlnlhaci probable. There is to be a conference commit of the Kansas City Star, is in town, VV none but one of experience need apply. Corn, active, higher No. 2 mixed, 31X referee the matches. B.

O. Kuuulng. 3 white, natcoiJc: iso tee. The committee on ruies anu oiuci Y.c;ncas recommends such a commit Th Tallest Volunteer. Omaha exposition yesterday, W.

J. Bryan objected to the acquisition of the Philippine islands, declaring that it would be bad faith for the United States to profit by a war under white, 3131c Oats, steady No. 2 BATTLE OF THE COBRAS. children who stray on the borders of the jungle are rarely seen again and tho men To rent a typewriter, tjmith-areferred. Address C.

0., Th First Arkansas claims to have the Premlor preferred. IIONVENI'lON NOTES. tee, to be composed of one member white, 2425K3. Rye, lower No. 2, 40 Washington, June 15, A special from Old Point Comfort, says a hot fight occurred last night in a street Every delegate to the Democratic biggest man in the whole volunteer r-hintamanea.

He'is Frank 41c. Hay, active, unchanged choice from each congressional aisiricu mc nt too-ether and have made taken in Cuba benaii. this office. -itXnTED A youn man who haiS had Wsome experience to work In The Globe room, as au apprentice. -App tinn was iriven a ticket to tne imnthv.

8.50 choice prairie, 88.50. ran back and tortn in wuai bbuiuou a uui-less search. At last, however, the panio stricken father descried his boy, still sleeping by U1B11HW the following recommendations for the ball game this afternoon, and an uiu aL 111 (U Wynne of Hillsboro, a private in Company and stands 6 feet 5 inches Gutter, steady to firm creamery, 12 Mo volunteers accompanied the expe- litt to the foreman. breila. committee: John Atwooo, rirsi uis--ipt.

Wm. Julien, Second district; riitinn to Cuba. The regulars malting in his stooamg iocu. U4c dairy, iodize fcggs, nrm fresh, 8c. Potatoes, new Texas, fancy, the empty basfeot, his Dany lace uywimuu.

I anrnrtf. fill SnPKS. and scarcely tho rlcleirates is Daniel of the village Fhoetms. oetween mainland volunteers and regulars from Fort Monroe. Officers from the volunteers and regulars were hastily summoned, and ended the fighting after about seventy-five prisoners were Thr.

prisoners were sent to the WAM'ED To loan low lntorpsti no commission Address II, Ulobe omce.l mercial Appeal. Charles Gibbs, Third J. G. Tnhnann Fourth district 1 W. n.

7080c. up the expedition now at sea are well trained, thoroughly disciplined, and completely armed and equipped, and mnke short work of Santiago. VIUC Kelley, a cigar manufacturer at Frank--fort, but formerly a mail agent on the Central Branch, running between Kansas Citv Cattle, receipts, 6,000. ,1 Fifth district James N. ANTED Dining room girls, chambermaids and scrub girls.

Good pay ptood nermaneut positions. A.pp.y at iMorUpt weak to 10c lower Native FOB SALS, Pii. Sixth district bam Araidon, lltt boa Ji' hnnsp. It is said that about two yards away was the writhing tangle of serpents, lushing the earth in the throes of their final struggle. They were almost exhausted now.

As the poor juggler ran, breathless and aghast, to tho rescue of his child he saw the grim coils loosening. Before ho could reach the spot the reptiles had dropped apart, and one stretched its LUC uj'-' steers, $3. 904.95 Texas steers, $3.00 Yrtii nun They should arrive at Santiago by Friday, and by Sunday we should hear thn town has surrendered. Cer- Atchison and Lenora. One of the delegates is named Jesus Christ.

He is a hotel keeper at Leav no Texas COWS. S2.5O0S3.5O; native WANTED-A, Others have wne or inunw A ku Seventh district. The committee on resolutions voted down Barney Sheridan's resolution for easily wruirr or will trade for twenty men received injuries, none of them serious. CmcKA-MAUGA, June 15. The report cows and heifers, stackers cow VJ-V If) For XUU Priicuiara uuiu vMv nnri imilUUII V.

rt.ULlll- Main si. Westers oSfl and Tea Company vera may blow up his ships before sur enworth. V' and feeders, $3.405.40 bulls, d.UU(& dUw50 son. wm a delegate from Ben- a straight Democratic ticKei. oneri-dan's resolution was not supported by than four members of the com 50.

Hogs Receipts, 17,000. Market 1,111 nv nington, was formerly a member of the rendering, but it ne noes, tneir vaiue will be added to the indemnity America will demand before it will agree to spring wanon. Berlin (irocor 13 limp length upon tno grounu, in the agonies of death. Over its prostrate form the victor reared hor mangled neck tor one triumphant hiss, then slowly .1 a nrkmini hnriv to the baby's WANTED A one-horse Must bo good as new. and Hilling Co.

large nam, uvm Emporia ball team, ami an 5c lower. Heavies, packers, $3.603.85 mixed, i lights mittee. The resolutions also favor the Awarded Highest Honors World's Pnl! Oeld M4J. Midwinte Falc Talbot son. Atchison ball players.

to pasture. Good -t a vTiril Hrtrsos of the metropolitan ponce law. Uioggiiu hnH nrnnned and her colls T. BilderoacK, Yorkers, pigs, water and pasture i J. H.

Lipton, who has run the hotel UOBHI.i.1"" 1 '1 ISUU Will Jv ou O. MoPlke, Third and peace. The war news has been the same for so many days that it is beginning to read like the introduction to a patent cummiusa, ivu. Blliu i 1,. 1 i relaxed.

At the cost of her own life the tame cobra had won the fight and saved 83.15(33.50. to Mrs, VV. at Downs since the first flood, is in Apply The committee on resolutions win pledge allegiance to the principles of Democracv endorse W. Atchison. her little playmate.

ANTED To borrow 13,000 for throe years on No. 1 city real estate WilU not nay commission. Address thisofflce. lt) town as a delegate, we nave Known Mr. Lipton a hundred and thirty years, Geo.

K. Barse, Pres. BALK A good Jersey also sev- j. H. Walt, Sao.

4T. LIVE BTOf medicine testimonial. 3. Bryan view McKinley and the tariff eral horses, but never knew Deiore umu Tvolcal Mexican Fun. Dressmaklni BARSE AT ANTED Work satis Tiara, tii-M Noctl 11-13-15" rtnmnorat.

with alarm demand a vigorous prow cution of the war favor resubmission COMMISSION CO, t. mtv rf Mnxiivi thev had a pretty factorlly done. Mrs, TT HUH i vinu i There has been a deal of diplomatic prevarication by government officials nn. Hiawatha accommodation train First sb. Boo 199-1S0 1 Live Exchange Rldf B.

P. sil.E-Tho porches now on of the prohibitory amendment ae- srooK PAID VV. 11 11 Hi xvj little enterhilnment the other day. It was a lion and bull fight, in whioh the king of in fact showed a CAPITA iuo i ut passengers from Apply to O. W.

100-tf Stocks or Feeders, write ns, X1 Waggoners residence. or Httik ranches, as ounce tne mcwuiitwu you Uhrlch. ii i mnrninfr. itoiie "i Wttlli, 707 Com! regarding the sailing oi tne tnuispuruB from Florida to Cuba. All last week reports that they had sailed and had have some bargains, UVOBVO tontemptible spirit and despicable lack ot DU1UU o- i ju.ntii to the eonvention 1 they 10 C0EAT3 Heasoaauiti salesmen In each department.

Cattle, Hogs Telephone 1849. Kansas Cltjr, Me. mercial st. lmnlv took advantage oi rao Knvoe at nnpfl- Itrongth. rne ngni was munnKu nf tho oitv.

from tho kov- berry rnVAnilnnn Alwavs Dnnir pwu- 'ishor Fruit company, Eighth and Malt l'ls not sailed alternated, iasi ounuay it was announced from Washington that the transports left Tampa Saturday mio i in 11 rut linn was a fierce TT ratva vi-t eBRAUOHTY ft TtXTOn, -i wn. henniise ol me iow tfUOKIXAMaoVta tOSTAUghTbaya 1j scirsonleft to leg. Betnrn to streets. r' 11111WA and powerful brute, which hwl recently BETH BENJAMIN, Marble and UUV rates made by the railroads. night, arrived at Key West Sunday and btibul i.m fAnitAf MH IHJ4UH1 UsbUUVlVUUU.

DllKIU mirfxaw-t murt a.r.itri linn inAnnired to wound the Granite Dulen. ONell. ltl North Fourth ana receivB Among the prominent in would leave Key West unaer convoy, Sunday night Monday it was stated reward ron mitt. lOB RBNT Modern house at 1111 Santa IV rst, Ueotge ScUmWt. VI Kancas tMvtnworth, bull, thoroby enraging it so that It fought with redoubted vlvor.

It gored the lion Thtt irnv('rnor nnftllt HYe town to attend tne oonvennou, Dr. W. 8. Priest, Concordia; Tom Do- IIONEY TX) LOAN OR Livery and FMdCtable, OfpoaiU Atehirsa Tbeatrt, Ms I B. BmmMs, tN H.

ilk It 11 1 sin ik wMiuTunh i.n nnfton W. W. LetioDt Horum. that tho fleet did not get away rrom Key West until Monday morning at daylight. Yesterday a Washington dispatch announced that tho fleet had not UllUIVvif the signal for stopping the fight, and Uw Hon waf drag gun xrow uu wm vs A hn nw Ciwa Tkrlw NwiMi ynjiES, Tin STATOARft A lit1 r- JUUVt A A.

The Atchison Daily Globe from Atchison, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.