In The 80s - Clothes of the Eighties, Z Cavaricci pants (2024)

The following are comments left about Z Cavaricci pants from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

gansmann - October 03, 2007 - Report this comment

those pants were so cool wish they made4 them again..people use to complement me all the time

Tiamat - October 10, 2007 - Report this comment

I think they were popular closer to 1988 instead of earlier as noted. I had all the pants also, paid about $70 each. Several Z Cav sweaters also. Sure helped out in the nightclub scene.

Sally - October 20, 2007 - Report this comment

You can buy z cavrici at torrid

Roy in SATX - November 02, 2007 - Report this comment

I had a pair I spent $120 on at Foley's, they were made from black velvet with a paisley pattern crushed into the material. I'd wear them tucked into black suede boots, the one's that had little belts on them! That and a black shirt with horizontal purple stripes... damn I looked good!!!

CavaricciQueen - November 14, 2007 - Report this comment

I just recently bought a pair of cavaricci's in good will for $4.50 and let me tell you my life has never been the same. I wore them on Halloween and boy o boy people were just flocking to me wanting to touch my cavaricci's they really know how to define your bottom to its utmost potential

kimpunkrock - November 22, 2007 - Report this comment

I use to wear these pants all the time in high school. I had many different styles and colors. I remember being one of the only kids that could actually afford them. Does anyone remember their 70 dollar minimum price tag? hahaha this is a great web site. long live those crazy 80's!

Steve - November 28, 2007 - Report this comment

I thought I was Mr. Cool with my Z.Cavaricci black pants back in the day. I don't think you could pay me enough to put them on again! Sorry, styles change with age.

Me - November 28, 2007 - Report this comment

I remember never having the $70 per pair price back when these were popular during my high school era. My friends and I used to steal these from the local fashion stores like candy from a baby! I had just about every style and every color...including the "cool" leather pants. What the hell were we thinking???

Tazz - December 03, 2007 - Report this comment

They were still cool in 89. You should update it.

Dan - January 13, 2008 - Report this comment

I recall having few pairs, they flaired out a bit in the upper part of the leg. Almost like MC Hammer pants but were pleated and totally casual dress pants for the fashion in the late 80s. I was only in 4th grade and I had them, my mom was crazy.

Jesi D - January 28, 2008 - Report this comment

Wow! we had some bad fashion in the 80's (bad meaning bad, not bad meaning good!) I had these in shorts. You had to show off that little z. Cavaricci label on the fly!

Dean - January 31, 2008 - Report this comment

How funny, I had the Cavaricci's in the late 80's and early 90's. Last pair I got was a pair of Jeans and they still fit!! I even have a Cavaricci leather Jacket.

Lallo - February 02, 2008 - Report this comment

When I was in 7th grade, i was sitting next to a kid who had a pair of these pants on. I was a bit of a joker, and i had a pen out, pretending like i was going to write on them. he moved when i had the pen close to them, and it accidentally put a mark on them. he immediately punched me in the face. i said "well that didn't help anything" and then i cried.. lol.

Reis - February 04, 2008 - Report this comment

I bought a pair of black size ten jeans almost 10 years ago. They have a smooth satiny lining to the fabric which has an very short cotton velour type nap.The have a slight stretch and the combination makes them ultimately comfortable. The rivets and the button at the front look like they are made of silver and look excellent with leather belts with silver buckles. They are long enough, which never happens, and the hip hugger top is high enough to keep my belly button covered when I'm sitting down, but low enough not to look like nerd pants standing up. I wore them to all of my most important gatherings for the first 5 years. Then to work at least a couple of times a week for the next 3 years. And now I wear them just for myself. They are good in all temperate climates temeratures. If I could duplicate them I'd buy 10 and wear them for the rest of my days and nights.

Val - February 09, 2008 - Report this comment

My friend worked at Madigans and got a discount - needless to say we ended up owning like 20 pairs each of pants and shorts and tops. I hate to say it, I still have one or 2 pairs of the shorts..I could never bear to throw them out. They are in mint condition. Still wish I had those flap over pants..we used to roll the bottems and wear with wild pair shoes. Ahh those were the dayz. If you want pics, I will take them of the shorts.

mona - February 28, 2008 - Report this comment

well i couldnt enjoy the fashion in the 80's cause i wasnt born untill 85 but i love z.cavarrici jeans now. i have this pair i got from a friend that look awesome. they must do some type of voodoo on the pants cause they make my butt look amazing. and from what i read here they used to do that very same thing in the 80's. you can buy z.cavarrici at jcpenny.

Dee1074 - February 28, 2008 - Report this comment

Z.Cavaricci never went out we are still around & we are doing really well....we no longer have that pant aka "the cat eye" as we have updated with the fashions...

Brad Fritter - March 11, 2008 - Report this comment

The Z Cav tag covered my pleasure trail!! What a hidden suprise she had when she opened my pants up!!

Steph - March 20, 2008 - Report this comment

Eeew they were so high waisted! Look at the guy in the middle, they are about to his nipples. I remember at the end of the school day I would have a red band across the bottom of my ribs from sitting all day in high waisted jeans.p84

Bull - April 05, 2008 - Report this comment

Still have my Cavs...haven't worn them in 18 years though. Wore them with a pink t shirt and a Bolero shorty jacket...Never left the bar without a girl.

msapelila - April 13, 2008 - Report this comment

I had a pair in red, they fit like a dream.....

jmbrewer - April 26, 2008 - Report this comment

DOES anyone know where I can get a pair? I am really fond of the ones with the belt lopes the go all the way around. I had a pair like these in 6th grade back in '92. They were so tight...except for the thighs which were huge. I remember they were the first pants that you didn't have to tight roll. Convenience and style, what a great combination!

Johnny K - April 28, 2008 - Report this comment

I remember getting a job at age 12 in 1989 working at a gas station as stock boy to try and raise money for some Z Cavaricci's. My mother just did not understand. When payday came my mom took me to Burlington Coat Factory to get some at outlet prices. Because of going to an outlet I had to settle for the dark green with all of the loops and a pair of red ones. I still paid like $140 for both. I used them on a rotating scedule until the colors faded to almost white. I would kill to have that style back. Let's start a revolution bringing back Cav's and IOU's, all the cool people will have them!!!

conanabanana02 - May 14, 2008 - Report this comment

I was born in '84 so I had never even heard of these pants until recently. I had gone to torrid to buy a new pair of jeans and found a pair that looked great and fit awesome! I wore them the other day and my sister-in-law made a fuss about me being "fancy" and wearing Z. Cavaricci jeans. I looked at her wierd because I had no idea the jeans that I purchased were a famous brand. She grabbed her sister and pointed out the brand and she made a comment on them, too. lol.

ZCavFan - May 20, 2008 - Report this comment

Man, these were the pants of my young adulthood! From the streets of Tijuana and LaJolla, CA to the streets of chicago, IL...these pants and sweaters kept me looking too good for the ladies! Paired with anything from Cosi L'oumo and you could walk on water!! Haha!!! Great memories!!

lenny scorcia - June 07, 2008 - Report this comment

where can you buy them everyone wants them

lenny scorcia - June 07, 2008 - Report this comment

the vintage kind (w/the cumberbun type waist) for men,not the womens brand (at torrid)

Jane - June 08, 2008 - Report this comment

I'm holding onto a pair, just in case I hit the lottery and can afford a tailor to copy them--well, take the size 8 I have and make it a 12. These pants were so good looking and comfortable. They fit better than any other pants I've found in my journey from size 8 to size 16, now back to 12.

Luis - June 08, 2008 - Report this comment

lolz. I had a complete outfit- black pants with double belts, white shirt, black waiter's jacket with shoulder pads...oh and black boots from Journey's with the pant tucked in. Good times. I uploaded some pics...just waiting on them to be approved.

JY - June 10, 2008 - Report this comment

I was totally in love with a boy in 7th grade (or was it 8th??) who was like the Z Cavaricci poster child - striped t-shirts, jean shorts, pants... and he wore Calvin Klein cologne. At 13. I was smitten. *sigh* haha!

chris - June 11, 2008 - Report this comment

anyone know what the other brand that had the logo on the zipper around the same time was?

Jay - June 13, 2008 - Report this comment

I think you might be thinking of Girbaud's, chris. Those had the "fly" labels, too, IIRC. Cavaricci's really were still hot in '88-9. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it. . .

Xrcisr - June 26, 2008 - Report this comment

FYI, On ebay, I have a pair of Z-Cavaricci denim overall shorts listed and will post some more vintage pants this week as well. Happy shopping.

Nilus - July 01, 2008 - Report this comment

I remember back in the late 80's to early 90s you were not cool in my Junior high unless you were walking around in your Z Cavaricci's and an IOU sweater.

big lobstah - July 09, 2008 - Report this comment

Bojo had fly labels too

lenny scorcia (the freestyle freak) - August 02, 2008 - Report this comment

can anyone help me ? i am looking to buy as many as i can find ,the (mens) vintage kind w/the cumberbun type waist not the ones at torrid ,we want the originals please help us

john - September 01, 2008 - Report this comment

i had my black cav's and some shirts too between 1989-1991 in college. They were the normal night clubbing clothes. the girls loved it and looking sharp in them, never had a problem with the girls. those were the days.

SavageLettuce - September 11, 2008 - Report this comment

I could never afford those & all the cool girls wore Z-Cav jeans.

Dee - September 12, 2008 - Report this comment

Contact Nancy Tarankow a Z Cavaricci. The company is still in business. I have e-mailed her a few times requesting these. Obviously more interest could help bring them back. Her e-mail is:

Kim - September 14, 2008 - Report this comment

Only the coolest of cool and best looking started wearing them and then everyone wanted them! I had denim, black, and 2 pair of white! They looked good on everyone guys and girls alike! Would love to see them out again!

drew K - September 17, 2008 - Report this comment

i still wear Z-Cav's. my boy TQ thinks i look money when i rock a pair of italian loafers, my white double belted z-cav's w. my BUM equipment shirt or my Hypercolor t-shirt. and of course, my herringbone chain, and a pair of Oakley Blades. he thinks i look like Brian Bozworth

TQ - September 17, 2008 - Report this comment

i lov waring Z cavareechee, every friday after we got out of Apex tech, me Drew and the crew would hit the clubs and disco dance the nite away, we had alot of funness!

uzeguy - September 17, 2008 - Report this comment

yo uze guys yousta wear cavareechees? uze guuys are noiiiice!! i always wished that my cavs wer wooter-proof

Mack - September 17, 2008 - Report this comment

I used to have them,and even until Hurricane Katrina,I'd even had a blue set complete with waist jacket...I just recently on accident ran across another pair of pants,which I'm now the proud owner of...I'll attach a pic soon...

80's BABY!! - September 19, 2008 - Report this comment

"Z"s are the most recognized style of pants/shorts in the 80's and today! ANyone who grew up in the 80's knows. I remember wearing a pair along with the black silver tip "House" shoes...LOL.....eehhhhhh those were the days

Lovin the Z's.. - October 05, 2008 - Report this comment

The fake ones were Code Zeros

I.O.U - November 07, 2008 - Report this comment

Omg these were my favorite ..I had them all . I especially loved my red ones with the "flap over" I would wear it with I.O.U. shirts, reebok high tops with the Velcro (never fastened of course) , and my 12 inch high hair...oh those were the days

Dan H. From SA Tx. - November 18, 2008 - Report this comment

Sad as it is to say, I too still have some ZC stuff. More shirts than anything else. I (as a somewhat adult) find it so funny now that people paid the price they did for clothes. I see it now for what it was back then, LAME PEOPLE with money having to buy or at least rent their friends. Funny thing is, I am sad to say that I have to be an adult to realize how STUPID I WAS for wanting something so bad. I am glad to see that there were also OTHER LOSERS and shallow people like me on this site. 80's ruled... Back then I remember we could have an opinion about things and not have to worry about getting shot for it. Funny,... Right ??? Dan

walmart boy - November 26, 2008 - Report this comment

these pants were freakin expensive, and I remember that the "rich" kids would only wear them, or kids wanting to be cool just by being flashy looking. I was too poor to afford those pants so I just had to settle with my MC hammer pants i got for 15 bucks from the mall and slick leather shoes from payless! represent!!

walmart - November 26, 2008 - Report this comment

pimpin' code zero pants! lol generic brand for ZC.

ben - December 11, 2008 - Report this comment

please contact me at if you KNOW anyone selling these or any websites. thank you.

SVATCH1023 - December 15, 2008 - Report this comment

WOW! I remember saving up for a pair (i was a poor teen in the late 80s). if i remember, it was around $70. i was the MAN! i normally bought the poor mans Z's: Bojos. other bites off of them were Coda, Nixit, and MIX, but nothing beat the real thing! wow, i was SUCH a guido back then! dont forget the cardegan sweaters, turtle neck, & Thom McCan slippers, and a fake gold chain! (remember, poor kid trying to dress good!)

baphomet - December 28, 2008 - Report this comment

Mid-late 80's Long Island just about required a teen to own a pair. I fantasized about these particular jeans and how they would mesmerize all on lookers. I saved for months and aquired 3 pair. With capezios or Patrick Ewing High-tops, I felt invincible in these jeans. My swagger, dance moves, and personality transformed much like Clark Kent leaving a phonebooth as superman. No other peice of attire has ever effected me so greatly. I salute you Z Cav and thank you for a product so versatile to allow me to look great as a prep, a guido, or a metalhead. Mint!

bravo364 - January 10, 2009 - Report this comment

The only thing better than all of my Z's were the matching socks that I had for EVERY pair of Z's I owned. I would buy new Z's almost every weekend to go to club Vertigi in Shreveport, La. I remember a mustard color pair I had with 5 buckles!! They rocked!

Zippy - January 16, 2009 - Report this comment

I NEED TO FIND SOME!! waist 32-34. Length 32+ I'm in a Cure and a Duran Duran Tribute band so I need to find more cool 80's stuff. If you have any write me PLEASE!!

Tom K. - January 19, 2009 - Report this comment

The pleaded Cavaricci's that were once everywhere at every shopping mall in the late 80's seemed to have completely vanished. I owned a black pair, a white pair, a denim pair with leather trim on the pockets and a pair of the pleated Cavaricci 'shorts' in white, but I never did think a shorts version with all those pleats looked as good as the pants and I returned them very soon after I bought them. I loved to wear my black Cavaricci pants with a 'wrap belt' (remember those?) and pointy black boots and some kind of shirt, usually black and white and a bolo tie to complete the look, and drenched myself in Obsession cologne.

Brian E - April 01, 2009 - Report this comment

My wife does not understand the power of the Z. For some reason, they did not have them where she grew up in northern VA. But i grew up north of New Orleans, and my friend grew up in Massachusetts, and we both had Z Cav when we grew up. Oh my gosh, I LOVED my z-cavs. My parents were dumb and bought me like 3 pair to go with my striped polos and coca-cola shirts. what a poser, but they were awesome. those and my girbauds. anything that drew attention to my crotch, i deemed acceptable. god, how did i ever find a wife? good times, good times.

Matt - April 08, 2009 - Report this comment

I love these pants not sure if I can fit in a pair anymore lol .They were chick magnets the girls loved these :)

tonybirch - April 19, 2009 - Report this comment

I had 3 pairs of these. To this Day I still hide my 80's Z cavaricci sportin' pics from my friends. There some styles should just never come back and this is one of em. I think their cool and i still like em but I just keep them to myself. Lol.

Jason - May 19, 2009 - Report this comment

These were popular more toward the end of the 80's... like 88 through 90 (my junior high days!). I went so far as to buy the Cavaricci overall shorts! That must have been the beginning of the end though, because as soon as I put them on at home, away from the store, I thought they looked really goofy and immediately brought them back. I still rocked my Cavaricci pants with the wing flaps that you buttoned at the crotch though, and the ones with the crazy number of belt loops. These things were not made for people on Flomax... definitely wouldn't be able to get them off quick enough!

denise - June 30, 2009 - Report this comment

I wore blk and a white pair in the 80's everyone said I was a sharp dresser back then...still have the white pair...people are amazed when they see them on me....anyone know where i can buy a blk pair of the old style balloon look high waist they are a classic....anyone know where the company is now im so lost since they stopped making them cant find them anymore at thrift stores eithr

denise - June 30, 2009 - Report this comment

hey i found the new site at email them...or the web site is at

denise g - June 30, 2009 - Report this comment

hey they are launching a 80's showing of zcavaricci pants for the cause maybe they are testing to see if they sell to bring back adult sizes

jay - July 01, 2009 - Report this comment

you can buy a blk. pair similar to zcavaricci's pants at they aren't that bad looking

mike - July 01, 2009 - Report this comment

I had a pair of the mustard ones..they were a little too short but I loved them so much i wore

rene - July 01, 2009 - Report this comment

there was a guy called chris at bogangles nite club in the 80"s he wore a maroon pair and had a blk pair of them he wore at the club...the redneck guys made fun of him he said....but in san francisco he got all complements and of course all of us girls complemented him all the time...he was the sharpest looking guy in sacto with those pants....really...

deb - July 01, 2009 - Report this comment

hey im so sad that i cant find a pair of blk ones to wear anymore...i held on to that blk pair i found once at the thrift store...some guy offered me money for them once...they were guy pants but i wore them proudly anyway.....finally they ripped in the wash after holding on to them so long...i think i cried all day inside.

F.A. - July 05, 2009 - Report this comment

Hey Denise and Deb: Don't give up on the thrift stores! I found a pair of the high-waisted, balloon-leg Z Cavaricci jeans at a local Goodwill a while back.

CL - July 13, 2009 - Report this comment

Please join us for on facebook @ or twitter @zcavaricci_tees We're launching our Tees really soon. Hope to get you guys updated on our new products. Thanx

Megan - July 31, 2009 - Report this comment

These were probably the most expensive jeans I owned at the time...My mom would only buy me two pair..but boy I looked good in them.. Memories

NotMissingTheNewWaveHair - August 12, 2009 - Report this comment

I was in highschool when Cavericci's hit (agree with a previous poster 1988 in Texas) I bought a dozen pair of pants and shorts over the course of 2 years. I wore them with my dress shirts, bolo ties and Oak Tree fashion jackets and Zodiac Boots. I had several black pairs, a few white and a pair in acid wash denim that had 40 belt loops. Yep I lived and breathed the New Wave fashion in the late 80's. I don't think I would buy the pants again but the couple pairs of shorts were very comfortable.

FARZAD - August 25, 2009 - Report this comment

I used to have most of the colors especially I remember when I used to wear the purple or green shorts to Clubs in San Jose. Excess, SX Junction, Club O, OZ. Good Times

MK - September 19, 2009 - Report this comment

I felt like the man in my Z Cavaricci shorts with my black Reebok hi tops and B.U.M equipment sweatshirt..And then I got the Cavaricci overalls (one strap unbuttoned of course). If you couldn't afford Z's you got BOHO's. And who can forget SKIDZ

T-red!! - September 21, 2009 - Report this comment

ayo.. this website is bonk!!

Brady - September 23, 2009 - Report this comment

I used to wear these in my H.S in Philly, the wrestling squad would look at me weird and then smile...but it felt right.

Mike - October 20, 2009 - Report this comment

These were extremely popular up to 1990 or so, I remember EVERYONE wearing them around '89 - '90. Merry Go Round and Chess King were always well stocked, I believe I had a pair with the flap at the crotch. They were pretty pricey, $70 in '89 is like $122 today.

frank - November 04, 2009 - Report this comment

i have an original pair of blk flap over cavaricci pants with the embroidered sweater with z cavaricci on it size 28 waist love em back than but not now im a 32 might want to sell em my yahoo see what happens

lenny - November 15, 2009 - Report this comment


X - November 20, 2009 - Report this comment

Lenny. What's your question? I may be able to help

Jimro - November 29, 2009 - Report this comment

The early 1990's Z. Cavaricci wild print rayon shirts were awesome! I still have several,& I wear one every now and then to the night clubs.

lenny - December 13, 2009 - Report this comment

i need to get in touch with her i tried her e-mail but it will not go through does any one know how to reach her or some one else at her office????? PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!!!!!!

CL - December 22, 2009 - Report this comment

Lenny, i don't know who you are. But if you have a question, I can relay it to her. Note, she does not work at ZC anymore

cxl - December 22, 2009 - Report this comment

come visit another side of Z. Cavaricci. Z. Cavaricci Apparel - Socially Contributing Boutique T-Shirts come in for more information reguarding our mission. Thanks!

LENNY - December 25, 2009 - Report this comment

a while back she said that she could tell me where to purchase the original z-cavaricci w/the cumberbun type waist does anyone know the contact info & e-mail of the person who replaced her !!!!!!!!!! thank you for any help you can give me!!!!!!!!!!

Al H. - December 27, 2009 - Report this comment

I have a rare Z. Cavaricci "letter" type men's jacket for sale. It is black with a large "Z. Cavaricci" in red letters on the back. The size is XL and the sleeves are made to be nice and long. I will be selling it on ebay shortly. Plese contact me at if you are interested!

Izzy - December 31, 2009 - Report this comment

Oh ya I used to buy and wear Z. Cavaricci they were signature 80's pop/new wave fashion. They were chick magnets, attention grabers and instant coolness. There were only three types of people back then, those who could wear them, those who couldn't and those who didn't have a clue.

** lenny ** - January 23, 2010 - Report this comment


Karen - January 24, 2010 - Report this comment

Yes, I remember Z. Cavarricci pants. I had a pair myself. They were still popular in '88-'89 for sure because I was a freshman in high school & a lot of students were still wearing them...even into the early '90s. My friend had a pair stolen from her gym locker during PE. What a blast to the past. I'm really missing the 80s these days...don't know if it's mid-life crisis. Hmmm, I'm only 35 years old though. Too early for that.

**lenny** - February 02, 2010 - Report this comment


Ruben A. - February 23, 2010 - Report this comment

From: Texas with love.OMG! Does anyone remember the Zodiac Creeper shoes for men. They were black w/a star and tips about 2.5 inches wide front and back with very soft flexible leather and 1.5 blk sole with rubber spikes if you look at the sideways and look like bumps if you look at them front to back and upside down. They came with all kinds of faux short animal hair leopard cowhide and cheeta and plain suede and all kinds of prints. Another similar popular brand of shoe was Gorgio Brutini. Which Later became GBX now owned By Sketchers they still make that line but not that shoe. We called them creepers. Which you might have seen around the web. They're similar but difinitely not the same.Now very popular with goth kids and the Punk scene in the UK but not the same style or substance and not the same Quality at all. Styles back then were not that flashy no skulls and they were classy. Yea,Those were the days. I lived that era. First it was Umen with bold subtlely distictive colors and syles that made men just looked good. The syle took off mostly in the Southern States The look was slim at the waist,wide or loose in the quads skinny in the leg. Zcavaricci was the most expensive line with pants rangeing frm $80-$200-USD. it was a cutting edge style with a lil flare of extravagence.THe pants had the label on the crotch. So did the Umen brand. But then M.C. Hammer came out with the similar look but it was way too flash and baggy made it seem clown like. It was horrendous he slaughtered that look and brand never recovered frome the shame. It wass too much and no self respecting man would ever wear such atrocities.

***lenny*** - February 24, 2010 - Report this comment


F.A. - February 24, 2010 - Report this comment

Hey Lenny: I have an old pair with the cumberbund waist, double buttons, foldover strap, ZC label on the fly, and balloon legs. They are denim material. I might be persuaded to sell them. What's your waist and inseam measurements.

Dexter Wells - March 06, 2010 - Report this comment

I Have a white pair of an old pair from 1984 of the zoom label pants. pleated sides cumme*rbund waist with two buttons waist 30' inseam 32' and i'm looking to sell them. thy're made out of 71% cotton and feel so soft. like a light denim.

*lenny* - March 06, 2010 - Report this comment


RJ - March 24, 2010 - Report this comment

Used to buy them at Merry go Round haha remember the imitations? I think they were called Code Zero.

**LENNY** - April 07, 2010 - Report this comment


Mike - April 26, 2010 - Report this comment

Had a black pair of Z Cav pants. Wore them with a Generra shirt, Bola tie and a Z Cav Leather Jacket. Never left the Madrid Nightclubs without a girl when I lived in Spain.

Erik J - June 15, 2010 - Report this comment

I started to wear these when i first went into the Navy! I was at "A" School in Great Lakes, Il. I had a few pair of them! My favorite was the Green Velvet material and i would rock them with a pair of Black Creepers with the Buckles! I think i was the only one who wore them with Creepers! Cavaricci didn't look good with out the Creepers! Best made pants ever! Do they make them anymore?

Christina C - June 30, 2010 - Report this comment

My gosh, I loved Z Cavs... Saved every last penny I had in high school to buy them. I totally remember walking around w/ a pair of Cavariccis and a big baggy "Girbaud" shirt or the Hypercolor shirt. Back then $70 bucks for a pair pants and $30 bucks for a hypercolor shirt was a lot of money! I wish I could have those pants again! loved the little tag in the front so everyone knew you spent a lot of money on your clothes while you were in h.s. when it really mattered!

Bob W. - July 20, 2010 - Report this comment

Really? There might have been 6 guys that wore those horrid things at my school and they got clowned on daily.

AntsInThePants - September 07, 2010 - Report this comment

I still have mine from back in the day! I'm going to wear them today.

shaneb - October 29, 2010 - Report this comment

I would say 89' was the timeline..I was 21 and hittin the club scene hard here in New Orleans...had every color...rode high on the waste and baggy legs then tapered bottoms...they were the S@!t back in the day...

Steve - November 08, 2010 - Report this comment

I had a Black pair of 30 loop Cavs w/belt,Pair of black Air Jordan 5s, Iou shirts, skidz shirts! I had a pair of Guess overalls id wear with a white and black horizontal striped guess shirt, and yes the one overall strap was undone! Like many who can attest on this board these clothes gave you a natural high. Probably because we were the first generation to spend 80$ on jeans and 125$ on sneakers! The 80's

**LENNY*** - November 25, 2010 - Report this comment


Mike Paoli - January 09, 2011 - Report this comment

Its funny,,, I still have a pair in my closet from 1989,,,, They were like $70 a pair and they were nice,,, use to wear them to the club to p/u girls,, LOL, MC Hammer was playing,,,, I couldnt get my leg in let alone my ass

Amber - February 12, 2011 - Report this comment

I just bought a pair at Plato's Closet.

Colleen - March 18, 2011 - Report this comment

i loved these pants! they really complimented my curvy figure back in the day. i had a pair in black, khaki, white, denim. and shorts in black. and a pair of normal type Z.C. jeans. and a pair of tight denim shorts that i called my "money makers" because i wore them when i waitressed. i still have them and just for a ha-ha a few years back, put them on with my old waitress work shirt - my husband got a kick out of it because that when when we met. Anyway, while a few pair were bought at full price in Macy's, I got a few pairs at discount at the Merry-Go-Round outlet in the Franklin Mills Mall, Philadelphia, PA. Wow - such memories of an awesome and cool article of clothing!

***LENNY*** - April 03, 2011 - Report this comment


GHD Straighteners - May 16, 2011 - Report this comment

New factors ghd curls come with microprocessors, which can allow heat ceramic plates and provides a greater sense of straightening curly hair. GHD Hair Straightener Australia have locks soft and dry to go to the bathroom from time to time to rejuvenate the locks. In the treatment of hair, a number of commercial products and solutions can be used on the hair to restore elasticity of the hair. quantity of chemical effects on hair blond, while other long term results. Mystery for some time to find products for hair treatment is equally harmful to the hair.

Ronny p - July 25, 2011 - Report this comment

jeez,it's been a long time since I had on my black z pants with my reebok pumps and body glove t-shirt.

RICK - July 29, 2011 - Report this comment


Frank - August 26, 2011 - Report this comment

If any one has a pair of mens z cavaricci pants size 33-34,or Z Cavaricci shirts or belts can you contact me at 847-525-3223.

christine - October 26, 2011 - Report this comment

i am looking for a i.o.u sweatshirt for halloween if anyone has one in the clifton,nj area please contact me at x large preferefered

James Rotunda - November 15, 2011 - Report this comment

I'm looking to buy Z. Cavaricci's...Contact info:

Roy - December 20, 2011 - Report this comment

Still missing my z-cavs... Black velveteen with paisleys!

denise - January 01, 2012 - Report this comment

here is zcavarricci email to main company...everyone send an email about the 80's pants were talking about ..for them to remake them if they get enough emails it will catch the attention of the if anyone knows a better email to the designers let me know but this was the email on the company site page..

denise - January 01, 2012 - Report this comment

lets send in alot of emails to them....send to the president his name is james cavaricci..lets all press on him..i sure if he knew it was in demand he would make attempt...there is a woman though designer i believe that is in charge who is only focusing on the girl jeans and plus sizes which is kind of a waste of what potential they really have,,so send email to president of company...ty....lets launch a campaign to bring it back.

denise - January 01, 2012 - Report this comment

address to write the president james cavaricci is 5807 smith way st. city of commerce ca. 90040 323 271-3285..lets send in request to him to bring back the pants...

denise - January 01, 2012 - Report this comment

ok everyone is storming the twitter page.on it...go to z-cavaricci on twitter leave comeback comment to company in l.A which james cavaricci is in charge of..ty

Derkyl - January 09, 2012 - Report this comment

My wife and I are trying to remember another popular brand of clothing that everyone wore either with the z cav's or without. It was around '89 - '90 and like the z cav's this brand was also a must have. I don't remember what the name started with either. Can anyone throw out a bunch of names on here and I'll check back later to see if any of them ring a bell to us, please. Thanks so much, "Derkyl" Represent'n class of '94 @ HHS in "Brookvegas,Fl."LOL

Psycho Jow - January 16, 2012 - Report this comment

oh man I had the black ones with the flap-like cowboys spurs in the front! That, with my pony tail, spiked hair, IOU shirt, Travel Fox shoes, and the best cuffs you ever seen, I could get any of the pretty babies at High School.

RickKiner69 - January 17, 2012 - Report this comment

I love my zcav's, still wear them. But only on special occasions. Rock em with my Travel Fox's. @Kinerthecobra/poolboy

Christine - February 14, 2012 - Report this comment

I'm looking to get a pair for my 80's party. I need men's waist size 32...any color...if anyone can help please email me at!!

Kaiser Soze - February 18, 2012 - Report this comment

Damn thus brings back memories! I had one pair of black velvet z.cav's, I would rock them with my paten leather Playboy brand slip on shoes. A white turtle neck, IOU cardigan, gold chain, and a mullet. I was a G in 7th grade! My very first job was at Merry-Go-Round in Eastridge Mall in Dan Jose California. It was the best! My friends though I was so cool for working there! I miss the old stores like Wild Pair, Chess King, Attivo, Cignal, Oak Tree, Wilson's Leather, and DeJaiz.

Frank - March 06, 2012 - Report this comment

Wanted mens z cavaracci clothing. Please email me at

Frank - March 07, 2012 - Report this comment

can the moderator of this site please email me

Frank - April 02, 2012 - Report this comment

can the moderator please call me 847-934-8678

Charles - April 14, 2012 - Report this comment

you guys, it's no use mailing and emailing anyone at Z.Cavaricci. The fact of the matter is that they no longer produce/design anymore. They stopped their operations in 2009. The only ones who are making anything under the Cavaricci label are licensees. The Smithway address used to belong to Cavaricci but they moved out in 2008, to a location down the road. The Smithway building is currently headquarters for "Papaya". Just giving you guys a heads up. If you have those ZCavs, hang on to them cuz they're pretty rare. We were going to re-debut the iconic Cavaricci pants but ultimately, buyers for retailers have the ultimate say. Good luck to everyone out there who are searching for your Cavariccis. :)

Frank - April 25, 2012 - Report this comment

Charles can you please email me back at

BMOENT - May 10, 2012 - Report this comment


Erin - May 23, 2012 - Report this comment

i had like 30 pair of the pants and 10 pairs of shorts, i had aleast 5 pairs of plain black alone. loved them!

Frank - June 19, 2012 - Report this comment

anyone want to sell their z cavaracci pants?

Frank - June 27, 2012 - Report this comment

who owns this website?

Valerie - July 20, 2012 - Report this comment

I still have a couple of like new pairs of Z Cavaricci pants tho :( I too used beg my dad for the damn $80 for those from Madigans. Thank god my gf worked there and had like 15 pairs to share. Loved these

Frank - August 03, 2012 - Report this comment

Can you please post your email address if you have any z cavaricci clothing

Frank - August 23, 2012 - Report this comment

Will pay top dollar for mens z cavaricci clothing Please email me at

Standish - September 17, 2012 - Report this comment

Haha... Z Cavaricci pants were so funny. I owned one pair and I think I only wore them once. The ultimate in pants were the baggy ones made by Francois Gribaud Marithe. The ones that had the label on the crotch and were so baggy that they had snaps at the bottoms. I owned a half dozen identical black pairs and I wore them constantly into the 90s until the seats were thread bare and I had to throw them away. My best outfit was black Marithe's with my white Generra sweatshirt that had half a dozen identical rugby players on it. Anyone remember those? I had like 8 of them and half of them where white. My black Marithe pants, my white generra tops and my bleached white Nick Rhodesesque hair have subsequently led to me being considered the Grandfather of the Preppy Goth movement (at least in my own head :P ) But this is supposed to include a story about Z cavaricci's, so here goes: I was working in a video store and this female co-worker starting saying something like, "I was at the mall today and these two guys walked buy wearing Z Cavaricci, and I was like, wow..." So I told her, "Are you joking? Z Cavaricci's are for loser's. Those pants just look absurd. Look at how big they are at the top and how the taper so much. And they are so high wasted they don't really work with a belt. Real men where Marithe's." And then she was like "Whatever..." Anyway she did really have bad taste. For example, her favorite movie was Highlander II. Have you ever seen a worse movie than that? But who am I joking? We were all losers in 80s. Anybody know where I can get some of those super baggy Marithe's? Haha. Just joking. You guys asking for Z Cavaricci's: are you sure you can really fit in a pair? I am willing to bet that Z Cavadricci didn't produce those in anything above a 36 inch waist, and that 90% of the guys who were wearing those circa 1989 now have big bellies and > 40 inch waists. Haha.

Elissa San Giovanni - October 03, 2012 - Report this comment

I WANT MY CAVARICCI'S BACK!!! I wore Cavaricci's to death. Always got compliments. You can wear them with the great new ankle high heel boots, dress them up or down. I loved to wear mine with a double wrap leather belt and a great sweater that let a little belly show. Please, I gotta find some!

Yo - October 22, 2012 - Report this comment

I had A pair of black ones and a pair of white ones. But I had a few more of the knock off ones that said code-zero on the crotch. They were cheaper and I was a broke 15 year old. But I had a nice 28 inch waist and looked good in those pants.

Nancy - November 01, 2012 - Report this comment

I HAVE a BRAND NEW VINTAGE Pair- I purchased them May 17 1991 for $72.00 NEW with TAG and receipt! They are woman's size 30 light wash denim. Willing to sell- contact me-

Victor Z - March 15, 2013 - Report this comment

I was talking to an old buddy and recalled I had placed my Z's in storage many years ago. I pulled out 3 Black size 31 mens and 2 khaki. Don't think those fit any more even though they are baggy. My son is going to wear them for their 80's spring program.

Frank - March 21, 2013 - Report this comment

Victor can you please call me Frank 847-934-8678

cindi - June 20, 2013 - Report this comment

I just found a pair in a thrift store. I only buy clothes for style and comfort, not labels. But these jeans are so fabulous and comfortable, I just had to look up the website. Now, I know what all the fuss is about.

frank - July 17, 2013 - Report this comment


Michael - August 07, 2013 - Report this comment

They were a great clothing line. I went to high school with Cesar and Marcell in Mission Veijo Ca. Their father and uncle stared the brand. Talk about a rags to riches story.

Muhammad Bilal - August 10, 2013 - Report this comment

Dear Sir/Madem, We are pleased to introduce our self that we produce All Sort of Morobike Garments, Leather Fashion Garments,Gloves & Outdoor Pakistan and Exporting to Europe, UK , Australia and United States. We have been dealing in this field for the last many years and gained much experience During this period. We have installed the modern machinery and using the latest technique in our manufacturing units. Appreciating any inquiry/ question from your good self to check our quality workman Ship and very attractive prices. Visit our online stie Thanks and Best Regards, Muhammad Bilal Proprietor Obtain sports Gazi Pur, Saddar Cant, Sialkot-51310, Pakistan. Tel : +923216162928 E-mail: Http://

Frank - August 21, 2013 - Report this comment

Can people please post their email address if anyone has z cavaricci clothing

Harry - September 22, 2013 - Report this comment

Oh god I remember wearing these to school and dances

Roiz - January 08, 2014 - Report this comment

In 1990 they were at least 70.00. Same price as Guess, Traffic, Gasoline, Hysteric Et Vous and Skidz.

shAynie - February 15, 2014 - Report this comment

anyone know how much those jeans are worth cuz i have a pair from the 80s

Xenon - December 24, 2014 - Report this comment


Nemo - January 01, 2015 - Report this comment

Z. Cavaricci slacks, tight-rolled (or what we called "French cuffs"), no socks ... nothing says 1988 like this.

pattie imm - June 05, 2015 - Report this comment

i have a pair, stone washed, size 29, high wasted, w 2 metal buttons, label on the crouch, baggie but tight at the waist & tappered at the bottom of the leg, they were over a $100 when i got them in Miami, make me an

Sharon - July 09, 2015 - Report this comment

Oh yah I remember the Z Cavs but we didn't wear them up around our waistline we wore them on our hips other wise they looked goofy. A few of us would get ready on a Saturday night we would trade w each other I liked the white. They did look good on us thin girls I wore the men's they fit better. I could never wear a pair now back then I wore 29 waist now it's like 38. But good memories that's for sure.

SirSpanks - October 14, 2016 - Report this comment

X dealers loved them because of the deep pockets, can dance and not lose anything. We wore them low wasted too in 83-85.

mary fox - December 20, 2016 - Report this comment

I have about 7 pair of woman's Z Cavaricci pants I bought them at Cherry and Webb in 1996. They are size waist 27 and 28 . They are all in great condition. If anyone is interested in them let me know, I am willing to sell them. I love how well they are made!

Kara - August 16, 2017 - Report this comment

Denise - September 08, 2017 - Report this comment

Z cavaricci is celebrating its 30 taranniversity and is selling 500 pairs of the original pants. Checkout on Z cavaricci online

Kirk - December 04, 2017 - Report this comment

Z. Cavariccis are making a comeback, Jim Cavaricci and his design team are currently selling women’s “cat eye” pants with Men’s to be released soon!! Please contact me at for more info. Also looking to buy any and all z. Cav vintage stuff you may have.. please email me if you have any of this stuff

Killing Joker - December 02, 2018 - Report this comment

I was wearing these back in the mid 80s until one night I was at a party, on a hit of acid and I looked around and I realize how ridiculous everyone looked in these pants. That was the last time I ever wore them. John Bull was a far superior brand, far more timeless.

Scott - March 31, 2024 - Report this comment

I lived in Glendale, Az at the time and my best friends mom had a clothing store in Mega Mall. I'd go over to spend the night and she would always give clothes. I'm sure I had at least 15 pairs of Z Cav jeans. My favorite ones were black and had a velcro belt that would go over the button at the top of the zipper. I'd wear those with a purple button up with a black tee undershirt and purple Airwalk shoes. That outfit would still look good today. At least with different purple shoes. LOL, Airwalk shoes were the thing in the late 80's early 90's with a base color and all types of swirly designs on them. I wasn't ugly by any means but wearing outfits like that I was never without a girlfriend.

In The 80s - Clothes of the Eighties, Z Cavaricci pants (2024)


Is Z Cavaricci still in business? ›

Now the brand is investing in wholesaling the line. In early March, Cavaricci made deals with two showrooms to represent the brand. In Los Angeles, the label is represented by Kathy Walker Sales in The New Mart. In New York, it is being sold by the Hotline Showroom.

What pants were popular in the 80s? ›

The Iconic Styles of 80s Pants
  • Parachute Pants. Parachute pants were one of the most recognizable pant styles of the 80s. ...
  • Acid Wash Jeans. Acid wash jeans, also known as stone wash jeans, were another iconic pant style of the 80s. ...
  • High-Waisted Mom Jeans. The 80s also saw the rise of high-waisted mom jeans.
Feb 26, 2024

What was the popular brand of parachute pants in the 80s? ›

Parachute pants became a fad in US culture in the 1980s as part of the increased popularity of breakdancing. The clothing company Bugle Boy manufactured the pants in the early 1980s, although they were not the first company to manufacture parachute pants.

What year did pleated pants go out of style? ›

As is often the case with traditional clothing styles, though, the popularity of pleats waned around the end of the 60s and, by the 1970s, slimmer flat-fronted trousers were in style again.

Who is the owner of Cavaricci? ›

It has been a tough road back, according to founder and owner Jim Cavaricci, but he said the company has straightened out its priorities. In the late Eighties, the Z. Cavaricci name became synonymous with its low-yoke, loose-leg pleated pants.

What do parachute pants look like? ›

Falling halfway between track pants and comfy cargos, parachute pants have the volume and relaxed fit of baggy jeans with the sheen and lightweight feel of your favorite swishy joggers.

Is Fashion Nova still around? ›

Fashion Nova is an American fast fashion retail company. The company primarily operates online, but it also has five brick-and-mortar locations.

What to wear to an 80s party for a female? ›

Best '80s party outfit:

Think short, pink, and lots of ruffles. Big, teased-out hair is optional. Sydney Sweeney rocked the exact look at her birthday party last year. Pair a pretty pastel off-the-shoulder top with your favorite straight-legged jeans or a skirt, just like the popular girl in those '80s teen movies.

How do I dress like the 80s? ›

Tips to Get 80s Looks
  1. Wear bright colors. The 80s were all about making a statement with vibrant colors. ...
  2. Highlight your shoulder area. ...
  3. Go for the oversized. ...
  4. Choose high-waisted bottoms. ...
  5. Remember to include a trench coat in your outfit. ...
  6. Expose the shoulders. ...
  7. Rock a mini-skirt. ...
  8. Consider wearing ripped jeans.
Jun 11, 2023

What pants were popular in the 2000s? ›

Low-rise pants and skirts had a chokehold on the 2000s, with celebrities favoring belly-baring bottoms. The controversial trend has been revived two decades later as labels including Stella McCartney, Versace and Diesel sent low-rise designs down the runway for the spring 2023 season.

What pants were popular in the 90s? ›

- Jeans all over. While pants were often loose-fitting in the early 90s, the trend in the mid-90s was toward a tighter fit and a more feminine style. Pantsuits, short skirts and dresses, hot pants and high-waisted, ankle-length mom jeans are in.

What year were harem pants popular? ›

Harem pants in the modern age

In the 1980s, famous rapper MC Hammer released a music video in which he wore harem pants, making the pants more widely worn. These kinds of pants were then called MC Hammer pants. Then wide pants made their re-entry in the 2000s as part of the “boho” style and as casual streetwear.

What year were baggy pants popular? ›

They were largely an underground trend in the early 1990s, but took off in popularity in the mid-1990s. The baggy jeans were very popular along with baggy bondage pants during the nu metal era which lasted from the late 90s to the early-to-mid 2000s along with pop punk during the same time.


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.