ESC SSH2 D40 Smart Energy Plan GMCA v2€¦ · r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r d Z ] } µ u v ] u l - [PDF Document] (2024)

ESC SSH2 D40 Smart Energy Plan GMCA v2€¦· r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r d Z ] } µ u v ] u l - [PDF Document] (1)

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SSH Phase 2 D40: Whole System Smart Energy Plan - Greater Manchester

ESC SSH2 D40 Smart Energy Plan GMCA v2€¦· r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r d Z ] } µ u v ] u l - [PDF Document] (2)

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Document control ESC programme name Smart Systems and Heat Phase 2

ESC project number ESC00113

Version* 2.0

Status Approved

Restrictions* Public

Release date 15/04/2019

External release ID ESC_SSH2_D40 Smart Energy Plan GMCA

* Refer to the Information Classification Policy

Review and approval

Name Position

Author Sean Owen Regional Development Lead, Energy Systems Catapult / Energy Lead, Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

Reviewer Jenny Line Senior Project Manager, Major Programmes, Energy Systems Catapult.

Reviewer Richard Halsey Capabilities Director, Energy Systems Catapult

Approver Mark Atherton Assistant Director of Environment, Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Approver Emma Harrison Business Leader Systems Integration, Energy Systems Catapult.

Revision history

Date Version Comments

02/11/2018 V1.0 Approved for release

15/03/2019 V2.0 Updated for dissemination

ESC SSH2 D40 Smart Energy Plan GMCA v2€¦· r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r d Z ] } µ u v ] u l - [PDF Document] (3)

D40: Whole System Smart Energy Plan GMCA

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Greater Manchester Spatial Energy Plan ETI Public ETI Public

D33 & D34 Developing a Smart Energy Plan for Greater Manchester Combined Authority

ESC Public

Energy System Modelling Environment ETI Confidential

Setting City Area Targets and Trajectories for Emissions Reduction

Anthesis Confidential

Energy Innovation Company GMCA Confidential

Energy Transition Company GMCA Confidential

National Grid Future Energy Scenarios 18 National Grid Public

ENWL Future Energy Scenarios ENWL Public

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EnergyPath Network is a registered trademark of the Energy Technologies Institute LLP

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Setting City Area Targets and trajectories for Emissions Reductions SCATTER

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ESC SSH2 D40 Smart Energy Plan GMCA v2€¦· r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r d Z ] } µ u v ] u l - [PDF Document] (4)

D40: Whole System Smart Energy Plan GMCA


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1. Preface for BEIS Deliverable .................................................................................................................................. 4

2. Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................................. 5

3. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 7

4. The GM Regional Challenge ................................................................................................................................. 9

GM’s Energy Demand ................................................................................................................................ 10

GM’s Future Growth ................................................................................................................................... 12

GM’s Energy Potential ............................................................................................................................... 12

5. Proposed Regional Approach ............................................................................................................................ 14

Focus ................................................................................................................................................................ 15

Emerging Opportunities ........................................................................................................................... 23

Stakeholder Engagement ....................................................................................................... 23

Smart Grid (Energy Network) ................................................................................................ 24

Energy Efficiency in Homes ................................................................................................... 25

Skills and Supply Chain ........................................................................................................... 26

Community Energy ................................................................................................................... 26

GM Whole System Smart Energy Framework ................................................................ 27

6. Local Area Energy Planning ................................................................................................................................ 28

7. Energy Transition Region Concept .................................................................................................................. 31

Governance ................................................................................................................................................... 32

Access and Availability .............................................................................................................................. 33

Proposed ETR Concept Criteria ............................................................................................................. 34

Funding ........................................................................................................................................................... 34

8. GM Goes Neutral – A Low Carbon Investment Portfolio ......................................................................... 35

9. Energy Innovation Company .............................................................................................................................. 38

Resource ......................................................................................................................................................... 40

10. Local Energy Markets ............................................................................................................................................ 41

11. Benefits ....................................................................................................................................................................... 42

12. Road Map to the Future ....................................................................................................................................... 46

13. Acronyms ................................................................................................................................................................... 42

ESC SSH2 D40 Smart Energy Plan GMCA v2€¦· r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r d Z ] } µ u v ] u l - [PDF Document] (5)

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14. Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................................... 43

15. Appendices................................................................................................................................................................ 44

16. Annex .......................................................................................................................................................................... 56

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D40: Whole System Smart Energy Plan GMCA


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“A carbon neutral city region, with an energy system which is smart and fit for the future, low

carbon and economically environmentally and socially


ESC SSH2 D40 Smart Energy Plan GMCA v2€¦· r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r d Z ] } µ u v ] u l - [PDF Document] (7)

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1. Preface for BEIS Deliverable This Smart Energy Plan has been produced as a deliverable of the Smart Systems and Heat Phase 2 Programme, funded by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

The purpose of the Smart Energy Plan is to describe a roadmap of projects and activities that will enable Greater Manchester to respond to the challenge of decarbonising heat within the wider energy system.

While this version of the plan is a deliverable of the wider programme of work, it should be considered as a live document. The intention is that the plan will be adopted by Greater Manchester Combined Authority and will be updated as further information is gathered, opportunities become available and project scopes are developed.

It should be emphasised that this document is intended to outline possible direction and to frame potential projects. It is not intended to restrict the set of projects undertaken nor to constrain or suggest particular implementations of projects or other initiatives; it is intended that the parties retain their ability to progress in the way which responds best to their respective challenges and requirements.

This document does not indicate intention by the parties to collaborate on specific initiatives or projects identified in the plan. All the parties retain their freedom to undertake work that responds to their respective programmes of work as these evolve over time.

The Document does not reflect the views of the funder, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

ESC SSH2 D40 Smart Energy Plan GMCA v2€¦· r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r d Z ] } µ u v ] u l - [PDF Document] (8)

D40: Whole System Smart Energy Plan GMCA


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2. Executive Summary Greater Manchester’s (GM) vision is for a carbon neutral city region, with an energy system, which is smart, fit for the future, low carbon, and economically environmentally and socially sustainable. This Whole System Smart Energy Plan developed for GM provides a targeted focus for Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and local partners, through defining a roadmap and several initial projects and activities over a 5-year timeframe.

The Green Summit1, held in March 2018, set out GM’s aspiration to be carbon neutral by 2038, meeting the challenge of climate change and supporting the transition to a smarter and cleaner future whole energy system. GM were the first UK city region to propose a science-based target (Tyndall) and pathway (SCATTER2), to become carbon neutral and make their fair contribution to keeping global temperature change to less than 2ºC. This report has taken account of feedback from citizens, businesses and experts engaged in the lead up to the Green Summit and Workshops post the Green Summit.

The GM Spatial Energy Plan: Evidence Base Study3 identified that the electricity distribution network within GM has the capacity to accommodate new demand, although some areas have limited spare capacity and growth of decentralised renewables, electrification of heat and increased use of electric vehicles will all pose significant future challenges.

The challenge is that GM currently uses 51.6 TWh/yr. of energy and emits 12.5 MtCO2/annum. However, if GM incorporates expected future growth to 2037, as stated in the GM Spatial Energy Plan, this will, unless action is taken, lead to a 3% increase in energy demand, arising from heating and electricity use in new homes and buildings. This results in an additional 2,400 GWh/yr. energy. 1 Mayoral Green Summit Event. March 2018. Manchester. 2 SCATTER (Setting City Area Targets and Trajectories for Emissions Reduction). Available at: 3 Energy Technologies Institute. (ETI). October 2016. Greater Manchester Spatial Energy Plan. Available at:

ESC SSH2 D40 Smart Energy Plan GMCA v2€¦· r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r d Z ] } µ u v ] u l - [PDF Document] (9)

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GM’s challenge is set out within Section 4 of this Whole System Smart Energy Plan, taking research at a national level through to a GM regional level (SCATTER / ESME4) and local level (EnergyPath Networks5). This provides GM with 5-year carbon budgets and focussed goals set out within a 5-year roadmap, allowing continual reassessment of the region’s progress and direction.

GM’s approach is to play a leading role in the low carbon transition, aiming to empower local, regional and national actors, whilst providing strategic direction towards a local, decentralised smart energy system. GM’s vision is to become an Energy Transition Region, utilising our public estates, facilities, assets, academia and research facilities to progress innovation, through smart technologies and services, integration and optimisation within a clearly defined innovation zone, transforming GM’s local energy system.

By becoming a global leader in smart energy innovation, GM aims to lead on the delivery of a decarbonised energy system, which is fit for the future. GM can implement significant changes to provide energy security for their households, communities and businesses across the region, whilst ensuring these changes and commitments have the lowest possible net cost to UK taxpayers, consumers and businesses.

The shift to lower carbon and decentralised energy provides an opportunity for innovative business models, governance and funding solutions to support whole energy system change. GM recognises that a whole system approach is required to ensure that the regions transition to low carbon is cost-effective and that individual technologies are not viewed in isolation. Equally GM recognises the importance of clear and focused goals to achieve the levels of decarbonisation needed to meet the challenge of climate change.

This plan sets out the following ambitions and focussed goals for 2024 utilising current ESME modelling in the first instance as a minimum goal:

Generation and storage – 45 MW of additional generation by 2024; Decarbonisation of heat – 10.2 TWh of low carbon heat by 2024; Low carbon transport – Up to 200,000 low carbon vehicles by 2024; and Diversity and flexibility – 45 MW of diverse / flexible energy load by 20246.

This is presented within the 5-year roadmap, which provides a vision and outlines the region’s aspiration to ensure GM is on trajectory to achieve 2038 carbon neutrality. The roadmap, supported by further Local Area Energy Planning a GM Buildings Retrofit Plan, the GM Environment Plan and the 2040 Transport Strategy, provides strong foundations and resources to motivate and inspire change, thus allowing growth for the future and achieving the vision of GM to become a carbon neutral city region.

4 ESME: Energy System Modelling Environment. 5 EnergyPath is a registered trademark of Energy Technologies Institute LLP (ETI). See 6 The energy background can be found within the Appendix of this document.

ESC SSH2 D40 Smart Energy Plan GMCA v2€¦· r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r d Z ] } µ u v ] u l - [PDF Document] (10)

D40: Whole System Smart Energy Plan GMCA


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3. Introduction

This Whole System Smart Energy Plan for Greater Manchester (GM) encapsulates the ethos of the region’s industrial heritage and ability to innovate. GM’s vision to support smart local energy supply against the ever-increasing demand for low carbon energy, will be achieved through collaboration and innovation, embracing new approaches shaped and driven by residents, businesses and leaders; thus, ensuring the region’s energy system is flexible, accessible and secure for all.

The energy system, upon which GM’s economy fundamentally relies, is rapidly changing. The challenges of decarbonisation, an ageing infrastructure and shifts in societal expectations will require new approaches to how GM generates, supplies, consumes and manages energy, supported through advances in technology and digitalisation.

The challenges this rapid change presents are massive, bringing a critical need for whole system thinking, utilising a wide range of low carbon technologies and potentially new service models. The focus for overcoming the challenges identified for the region and achieving the Whole System Smart Energy Plan’s vision for GM is focused on innovation, smart systems and integration across four priority areas:

1. Generation and storage; 2. Decarbonisation of heat; 3. Low carbon transport; and 4. Diversity and flexibility.

This plan aims to ensure sustainable clean growth, which is smart, economically viable and provides energy security to GM households, communities and businesses across the city region.

A smart energy system is “an approach in which smart electricity, thermal and gas grids are combined with storage technologies and coordinated to identify synergies between them to achieve an optimal solution for each individual sector, as well as for the overall energy system7”.

The deployment of smart energy systems (including storage) will provide future flexibility services to the energy system, potentially through the form of Local Energy Markets (LEM). These services will be supported and facilitated by a range of low carbon technologies across transport and heat, which should meet the requirements needed for radical change.

The need for change, set out within this plan, will support and build on objectives within existing and emerging GM strategies and plans, including:

7 Lund H, et al. (2017). Smart Energy and Smart Energy Systems. Available at:

ESC SSH2 D40 Smart Energy Plan GMCA v2€¦· r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r d Z ] } µ u v ] u l - [PDF Document] (11)

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Greater Manchester Strategy; Greater Manchester Spatial Energy Plan: Evidence Base Study; Greater Manchester Infrastructure Framework 2040; Greater Manchester Climate Change & Low Emission Plan; Greater Manchester 2040 Transport Strategy; and The feedback received in the lead up to the

Green Summit contained in the Springboard to 2038 Report.

Together these will support GM’s Local Industrial Strategy, the Clean Growth Grand Challenge and new opportunities for employment and skills development by providing sustained market confidence, helping to reduce carbon emissions and air pollution for the communities of GM.

This plan focuses on smart energy systems and GM’s response to meeting the challenge of climate change and supporting transition to a smarter and cleaner future energy system. However, it is recognised that transport and buildings retrofit (demand reduction) through thermal energy efficiency of buildings, i.e. fabric, is of equal value when considering a whole system approach and some energy systems will require a reasonable amount of insulation of the building prior to installation. These two areas are outlined separately in GM’s Retrofit plan and Transport Delivery Plan 2020-2025.

This Whole System Smart Energy Plan is informed by insight and consultation taken from the Mayoral Green Summit listening events, with local actors and expert organisations, supported by the Energy Systems Catapult8 (ESC).

GM has previously been at the heart of the industrial revolution and the computer revolution, this Whole System Smart Energy Plan for GM aims to explore the approach, requirements and assets required to support GM in becoming a global leader in the delivery of their future energy system. It will transform GM into a world-leading greener, cleaner, climate resilient city region, improving the health and quality of life for millions of people and protecting their green spaces and environment for future generations9.

8 The Energy Systems Catapult supports innovators in unleashing opportunities from the transition to a clean, intelligent energy system, as part of a network of world-leading centres set up by the government to transform the UK’s capability for innovation in specific sectors and help drive future economic growth. 9 Greater Manchester Combined Authority. 2018. Springboard to a Green City Region. Available at:

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4. The GM Regional Challenge

Energy provides the ability to fuel GM’s local economy, sustain lifestyles, power transport and provide buildings with lighting, heating and hot water. 72% of the energy consumed within GM can be attributed to buildings, both domestic homes and non-domestic offices, industrial and public estate etc. (Figure 1).

Figure 1: GM Energy Consumption by Sector ©Energy Technologies Institute LLP 2016

The decarbonisation of heat enables the opportunity for new business models to integrate across multiple energy streams, while optimising the wider energy system using flexible services, decarbonisation of transport, local electricity generation, the role of hydrogen and new technologies, e.g. fuel cells etc.

GMCA has been working with ESC to deliver the SSH Programme since 2013, which provides the foundation for this Whole System Smart Energy Plan for GM. The programme to date has comprised of two phases, with an initial focus on the challenge of decarbonisation of heat.

Within Phase 1, funded by the Energy Technologies Institute10 (ETI) and undertaken by ESC, GMCA and local Stakeholders collaboratively, a Spatial Energy Plan for Greater Manchester11 was developed,

10 The Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) is a public-private partnership between global energy and engineering companies and the UK Government. Their role is to act as a conduit between academia, industry and the Government to accelerate the development of low carbon technologies. 11 Energy Technologies Institute. October 2016. Greater Manchester Spatial Energy Plan. All statistics in the following section 3.1 are taken from this reference. Available at:







GM Energy Consumption by Sector

Domestic Electricity

Domestic Gas

Domestic Coal

Non Domestic Electricity

Non Domestic Gas

Non Domestic Other

Bioenergy and Waste

Road Transport

ESC SSH2 D40 Smart Energy Plan GMCA v2€¦· r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r d Z ] } µ u v ] u l - [PDF Document] (13)

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consolidating data and existing evidence relating to the local energy system to inform future energy planning and policy development in the Combined Authority.

GM’s Energy Demand GM uses 51.6 TWh/yr. of energy. This is around 3% of the total UK energy use. However, energy consumption across GM districts varies significantly, with the highest consumer being approximately 2.5 times more than the lowest.

The forecast growth of new homes and non-domestic buildings in GM could increase energy demand by around 3% by 2037. Electricity makes up 23% of GM’s total energy consumption and is used to provide light, heat and power for appliances and processes.

Gas is primarily used for space and water heating and is the predominant fuel within GM, making up 42% of the total energy consumption. 95% of postcodes in GM are connected to the gas grid; however, coal and oil heating form a part of the energy mix in some GM districts. These areas often have buildings with poor thermal efficiency and elevated levels of fuel poverty. Liquid fuel accounts for most of the remaining energy consumption. 29% of GM’s annual energy consumption is transport fuel. Other fuel makes up the remaining 7% of energy consumption in GM.

Buildings and Transport

In addition to changing sources of energy to lower carbon and renewables, opportunities remain to improve the thermal efficiency of the existing building stock and reduce energy consumption. 60% of GM’s domestic buildings have low thermal efficiency, with as many as 90% of these buildings expected to still be in use in 205012.

The greater inclusion of low carbon transport into the energy mix will be required, primarily provided by electric vehicles (EVs) and potentially hydrogen for torque intensive vehicles. This will need to be supported by electricity charging infrastructure with vehicle-to-grid / home / business (V2G/H/B) capability in the near term and supplemented by other technologies in the years to come, such as hydrogen hybrids, particularly for HGV’s. There are currently 2,800 registered plug-in vehicles in Greater Manchester13. The National Infrastructure Assessment (July 2018) states that “most charging should be slow and smart”, but “fast and rapid chargers will be needed to tackle range anxiety.” 14

The current GM EV charging infrastructure consists of a total of 160 dual headed 15 kW posts (320 individual points at 7 kW) and 4 rapid chargers, none of which have V2G/H/B capability. GM will

12 Energy Technologies Institute. October 2016. Greater Manchester Spatial Energy Plan. Available at: 13 Greater Manchester Combined Authority. October 2018. Low Carbon Hub Board. Item 06B. 14 The National Infrastructure Assessment. July 2018. Available at:

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require significantly more public, commercial and domestic charging infrastructure to support the required low carbon transport for 2038.

Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) are currently expanding the GM EV charging network, with plans to install a minimum of 24 dual point rapid chargers by September 2019, as part of the Early Measures Project, funded by the Joint Air Quality Unit15 (JAQU).

The growth of the charging network has not kept pace with the growth of EV stock. Between 2012 and 2016, UK electric vehicle stock has grown by 98% (from a low base), whilst publicly accessible charging locations have only grown by 44% in the same period16. The UK Government is aware of these issues and has reaffirmed its commitment to “develop one of the best electric vehicle charging networks in the world.” 17 The Government’s “Road to Zero Strategy”18 lays out its long-term ambition for an industry and consumer led transition to a zero-emission vehicle fleet. The strategy details policies to support the development of the EV charging network, including:

The introduction of the Automated and Electric Vehicles Bill, which will set requirements for the provision of charging points;

Launching £400m for a Charging Infrastructure Investment Fund, £100m for a grant for plug-in-hybrids and £40m for research into creating new technologies for electric car charging; and

Acting to future-proof street and building designs by ensuring local planning policies incorporate facilities for charging electric vehicles via the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

Future adoption rates of EVs in the UK will be highly contingent on the evolution of the charging infrastructure, both public and private. GM will continue to support appropriate growth and improvement of its local charging network by seeking further private and public investment.

15 A joint unit between the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural affairs (DEFRA) and the Department for Transport (DfT). 16 IEA Global EV Outlook 2017. Available at: 17 HM Government. October 2017. The Clean Growth Strategy: Leading the way to a low carbon future. Available at: 18 HM Government. July 2018. The Road to Zero Next Steps towards cleaner road transport and delivering our Industrial Strategy. Available at:

ESC SSH2 D40 Smart Energy Plan GMCA v2€¦· r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r d Z ] } µ u v ] u l - [PDF Document] (15)

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GM’s Future Growth The population of GM consists of 2.7 million residents and approximately 1.1 million households, with predominately pre-1980s homes. In addition to residents, GM has a thriving business community. Population and economic growth are expected to continue in GM as outlined in the emerging GM Spatial Framework, Plan for Homes, Jobs and Environment19. The GM forecast for 2035, is to have an additional:

Circa 200,000* new homes; Circa 250,000* additional people; and Circa 7 million m2* of additional commercial and industrial floor space, which is equivalent to

over 60 more of the largest Amazon distribution centres, or 108,000 football pitches

This continued anticipated future growth to 2037, based upon business-as-usual, will, unless action is taken, lead to a 3% increase in energy demand arising from heating and electricity use in new homes and buildings, which will lead to:

An additional 2,400 GWh/yr. energy; An increase of 0.4Mt CO2/yr. emissions increase under business as usual activity; and Which represents a 3% increase in energy consumption.

However, up to 300 GWh/yr. (9%) of GM consumption of the future energy demand could be generated from local renewable energy sources, representing a CO2 reduction of up to 2.6 Mt (19%) per annum from 2014 levels. Currently, GM has 29,880 renewable electricity generation installations, with a combined capacity of 126,152 kW, which is 47.7% lower per household than the England average, based upon Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) data20.

GM’s Energy Potential Recognising the scale of change needed to decarbonise the energy system, GM aspires to be the leading region in the UK to enable the transition and benefit from the innovation and green growth potential. This can be achieved through a whole system approach which identifies that no single technology will be responsible for decarbonising the current energy system. It can ensure that any changes to the current system do not have unintended consequences elsewhere, including any significant changes to the types of energy used; as well as how and when they are used.

Business-As-Usual will not be sufficient to meet the goals that have been set. For GM to continue to grow, thrive and receive socio-economic benefits (Section 8, Benefits) during this transition, future energy sources must be secure, affordable and sustainable. It is recognised that the cost and

19 Greater Manchester Combined Authority. Due January 2019 for consultation. Emerging GM Spatial Framework. Available at: 20 BEIS. 2018. Sub-regional Feed-in Tariffs Statistics. Available at: *This is subject to further review.

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efficiency of individual technologies may change over time; it is proposed that GM will undertake a review of their pathway every five years to ensure the most cost-efficient path is being followed.

Figure 2: How GM can Influence a Whole Energy System Approach? © Greater Manchester Combined Authority, 2018.

To meet long-term carbon targets, it is expected that a significant reduction in either the use of or decarbonisation of gas for heating and hot water across GM’s buildings will be required. Gas use could be replaced by several lower carbon alternative energy sources. These may include: the use of electrified heating, heat provided from central locations via heat networks and the potential for hydrogen injection into the gas grid and to support more energy intensive users.

GM has seen increasing deployment of proven low carbon and renewable technologies in recent years. However, across the region, there remains a significant potential to meet future energy and heating needs using existing known technologies and services, supported by better integration to meet consumer needs:

Heat networks (fuelled by gas in the short term); Solar technologies (heat and power); Heat pumps; Low carbon transport (EV and hydrogen); Bio fuel (from agriculture and anaerobic digestion); and Battery and hydrogen technologies (which could be game changers).

Other technologies (hydro and geothermal) could also support GM, however, this currently presents a lesser technical potential for the region. The need for Smart Systems and Local Energy Markets comes from the increased deployment of electric technologies and demand for energy. This presents an ever-increasing challenge for both the local Distribution Network Operator (DNO) and the Transmission Network Operator (TNO).

ESC SSH2 D40 Smart Energy Plan GMCA v2€¦· r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r d Z ] } µ u v ] u l - [PDF Document] (17)

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5. Proposed Regional Approach GM is already playing a leading role in the low carbon transition, setting stretched targets in 2012, and more recently laying out even greater ambitions at the GM Green Summit in March 2018. The Combined Authority, established in 2011, with increased devolved powers, is one of only three regions in the UK to be chosen to write a Local Industrial Strategy.

Alongside energy in households and businesses, GM also requires a transport and mobility transition, which is reflected in this plan (delivery detail can be found in the GM 2040 Transport Strategy). Energy in transport currently accounts for 41% of all energy consumed by end users (including transport fuel)21. The majority of this is consumed by road transport using petroleum (29%)22.

Electrification of transport delivers a large reduction in total energy consumption. Using a 2017 electricity grid emissions factor, a battery electric car is estimated to emit 73g CO2e/km (a reduction of 66% relative to standard petrol). Emissions are expected to fall to near zero over the period to 2050 as the electricity grid decarbonises in line with Government projections23.

Electrification also brings challenges: as energy demand shifts to the electricity grid, generation requirements increase. National Grid estimates that by 2050, electric cars and vehicles will create an annual demand of between 65 TWh and 89 TWh, across their four future energy scenarios24.

There are also challenges in delivering infrastructure at a local level. An estimated 60% of households could have access to a domestic charge point (off-highway drive/garage)25. The remainder need a different and innovative solution to enable full electrification to come to fruition.

EVs are a key part of the region’s future smart and flexible energy system, augmenting the use of storage in homes and potentially providing power back to the grid. GM will need to ensure the electricity system now and in the future is ready and that the region maximises the opportunities that electric vehicles present, in terms of vehicle-to-grid, flexibility services and demand-side response (DSR).

The role of the GMCA and the ten Local Authorities is in galvanising and empowering local, regional and national actors, providing the strategic direction required as GM moves towards a local decentralised smart energy system, which will be critical to success.

21 Department for Transport. 2016. Energy consumption by transport mode and source of energy, United Kingdom: 2000 to 2016. 22 Department for Transport. 2016. Energy consumption by transport mode and source of energy, United Kingdom: 2000 to 2016. 23 Department for Transport. 2018. Transport Energy Model Report. Available at: 24 National Grid. July 2018. Future Energy Scenarios in five minutes. Available at: 25 Energy Systems Catapult. 2018. Preparing UK Electricity Networks for Electric Vehicles. Available at:

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To this end, it is proposed GM takes a ̀ place-based’ systemic approach, creating a GM Whole System Smart Energy Framework, which aims to deliver four priority areas to meet GM's Carbon Neutral ambition. This will be delivered through the utilisation of their estates, assets, regional academia and research facilities, to progress innovation, through smart technologies and services, integration and optimisation.

Focus Over the next five years, GM will need to significantly accelerate the rate and scale of deployment of new energy generation (predominantly PV, heat pumps and district heating) and energy conservation technology. GM will also need to take a firm hand to lead in the deployment of smart systems (storage, energy management and aggregation) and energy efficiency measures to reduce energy consumption and shift or reduce peak demand. Energy security is a significant issue, and GM will need to buffer itself against both price and availability impacts that will arise from any shortfall in generation emerging during the Whole System Smart Energy Plans five-year period, 2019-2024.

Smart Systems

Smart energy systems, combined with more effective markets and regulatory conditions, could provide the ability to empower both consumers and suppliers in GM to manage energy supply and demand more cost effectively and support a low carbon transition.

The shift to low carbon and decentralised energy provides an opportunity for innovative business models, services, governance and funding solutions to support an energy system change. Smart systems could enable a local energy market, capable of peer to peer trading, using Internet of Things aggregator platforms, to be established within GM. This will result in the end user / consumer being empowered with data and control. Deployment of new low carbon energy networks and buildings technologies in combination with smart systems would enable Local Authorities and communities to be active participants in the delivery of GM’s future energy system. New and future public sector led developments across GM provide the opportunity to act as a catalyst for how low carbon energy infrastructure is developed, integrated and commissioned.

A public sector led approach which utilises publicly funded and owned generation, storage, heating and charging assets, with a suitable governance structure, may form the basis of a publicly owned ‘Energy Social Enterprise’ or ‘Public ESCO’ model / Energy Innovation Company.

Figure 3: Smart System © Greater Manchester Combined Authority, 2018

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Lessons learnt from projects are infrequently transferred to the next and often fail to be scaled up to make a material impact within the city and beyond. In addition, projects which operate in silos frequently find that their results are hampered by factors in other parts of the system which are not being addressed, which is why a whole system approach is suitable. The public sector’s traditional role, as a commissioner of projects or services, restricts and often prevents innovative private sector-led solutions from being developed and exploited at scale.

To overcome lessons learnt to date, this Whole System Smart Energy Plan proposes the utilisation of GM’s research facilities and assets, alongside geographical demonstrators as part of an Innovation Zone. Under the concept of Energy Transition Region, the Innovation Zone approach will create innovative, scalable and complimentary demonstration projects. This will build on existing activity in GM across the following three areas:

Technology Innovation – support for development and testing of new technologies; Integration Innovation – blending different technologies and smart processes in

demonstration facilities at the building or community scale; and Delivery Innovation – testing commercial business models for roll out, marketing,

engagement etc., and overcoming non-technological (societal, political etc.) barriers. The plan proposes the above areas are tested and challenged in the following areas, maximising GMs current capability and future low carbon growth.

1. Laboratory Testing of Technology (Test New Ideas)

Using and building on GM’s existing capabilities to develop, test and innovate low carbon products which can then be piloted at scale in a physical demonstrator. The University of Salford’s Energy House26 and proposed Energy House 2.0, is a prime example of the ability to test products in a physical environment under laboratory conditions. Work undertaken by the Manchester Metropolitan University (Hydrogen Partnership) and University of Manchester (Manchester Energy) in energy forecasting and grid balancing should also feed into demonstration activity.

2. Pilot Scale Testing of Technology (Building and Community Demonstrator Scale)

Technological innovation can be combined with the innovative integration of products, with each other and the grid, to blend and test different types of technology within demonstration scale pilots. GM already has a developing district heating programme, a pre-existing base of domestic homes retrofitted for energy efficiency, others fitted with smart technology through the NEDO Smart Communities Project (NEDO) which could be further utilised and expanded to provide data on air source heat pumps (ASHP) and / or home energy management systems.

26 University of Salford. 2018. Energy House. Available at:

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Demonstrators could also include emerging commercial market offers around PV and storage, which include retrofit and Home Energy Management Systems units, and potential expansion of existing

capital projects (such as heat networks, heat pumps and energy storage) depending on timescales, funding and feasibility. Wider stakeholders, (such as the electricity network operator) could also support this area and already have plans for network-wide IT to support DSR.

3. Delivery Models and Control (Pre-commercialisation)

GM currently has the expertise to test different business models at scale to determine which are the most appropriate for the market. For example, GM has a history of delivering large domestic projects (such as the NEDO Smart Communities Project), which required customer roll-out, marketing, engagement, contracted delivery and installation of retrofit measures in the private and social housing sectors. The potential for establishing project specific Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) and / or Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) could provide a bespoke delivery route for market testing of new designed business models.

Outlined below are the technologies with the highest technical potential to contribute to a new, low carbon energy system in GM. The figures below are an outcome of the ETI GM Spatial Energy Plan - a pragmatic view considering practical and technical constraints associated with each technology.

Project Example:

Homes as Energy Systems (HAES) commenced in October 2018 funded by GM ERDF. This built upon the findings of the NEDO project, which completed in March 2017, by exploring other forms of energy storage as part of a service offering and the impact that energy demand reduction can play in supporting smart grids and energy network service provisions.

The project involves technology integration and delivery innovation, blending different technologies and smart processes at a City Region scale demonstration project. It tests marketing, householder and supply chain engagement and the overcoming of non-technological (principally societal and political) barriers.

As a live ‘demonstrator’ involving over 700 households across GM, HAES will incorporate other energy storage technologies into an aggregated ‘virtual energy store’ to exploit the revenue streams from multiple grid balancing and energy network services whilst reducing energy bills for residents and supporting decarbonisation of domestic heat production. No other project is looking to holistically model both energy efficiency demand reduction works with energy network related services, coupled with modelling, to justify further investment in these technologies and innovation in smart energy and heat systems.

HAES will directly challenge the wider market failure, namely that organisations with a vested interest in delivery of one technology, component or network service remain blinkered to the wider opportunities for carbon reduction, fuel poverty alleviation and energy network transformation, which prevents development and deployment of truly ‘smart’ energy networks.

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Generation and Storage:

Up to 1,030 GWh/yr. (9 %) of existing electricity consumption could technically be generated by renewable energy sources within GM, delivering annual CO2 reductions of 2.6 million tonnes (19 %) from 2014 levels. Solar PV has the potential to provide 834 GWh/yr. This is 7.3 % of current GM electricity consumption. In 2014 PV provided around 50 GWh of renewable energy.

Solar thermal has the technical potential to provide 2,770 GWh/yr. This is 13 % of current gas demand.

Figure 4: Technical Potential of Solar Thermal Generation 2035. ©Energy Technologies Institute LLP 2016 Biofuel is an extremely versatile energy source that can be used to support a range of energy demands and the scale of use could have a significant effect on the cost of meeting carbon targets in the UK. Examples include from conversion to liquid fuel for vehicles, to hydrogen for vehicles or power generation and bio-gas to replace natural gas. Biofuel in GM is estimated to have the technical potential to provide 1,173 GWh/yr. of heat (excluding transport). This is 5% of current gas demand. Storage provided through batteries or other technologies will become increasingly important in allowing generators to store their output and sell it at periods of higher demand on the network. Distribution System Operators (DSOs) will also contract for flexibility services from storage providers to overcome peak load demand times through grid balancing services. This could prevent the need to reinforce the network at a significant additional cost to both the network provider and ultimately consumer.

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700






Technical Potential Solar Thermal Generation 2035 (GWh)

Existing Domestic New Domestic

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Decarbonisation of Heat:

Up to 68% of existing gas demand could technically be replaced with renewable heat from heat pumps, solar thermal and bioenergy within the GM region.

Figure 5: Potential Heat Pump Capacity 2035 (GW) ©Energy Technologies Institute LLP 2016

Ground Source and Air Source Heat Pumps have the technical potential to contribute to 12,400 TWh/yr. - 50% - of current GM domestic and non-domestic heat consumption. Heat pumps could play a significant role in the decarbonisation of existing homes, particularly in the less built up areas, however they are currently more expensive to buy and run than conventional gas boilers. To meet the targets outlined by the Committee on Climate Change in the 2030 scenarios, 2 million heat pumps would be required nationally27. 550 homes in GM have been fitted with ASHPs in Wigan, Bury and Manchester as part of the NEDO project. Equally, in dense urban and high-rise areas, shared loop Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHPs) have the potential to decarbonise these areas too. District Heating has the technical potential to expand significantly in GM, utilising a range of low carbon and renewable technologies. Urban areas are most likely to move towards heat networks and GM has previously identified feasible opportunities for approximately 35 individual District

27 Committee on Climate Change. June 2018. Reducing UK emissions. 2018 Progress Report to Parliament. Available at:

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0











Potential Heat Pump Capacity 2035 (GW)

Domestic (existing) Domestic (new) Commercial

Commercial (new) Industrial (existing) Industrial (new)

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Heating Networks with technical potential to reduce GM carbon emissions by 413 ktCO2 (3%). This shift across GM would be equivalent to up to 330,000 homes connected to District Heating by 2050. Hydrogen has the potential to be considered as a direct replacement for natural gas, connecting consumers to the gas network and fuelling boilers and appliances. This could potentially be less disruptive for consumers, however, the cost of hydrogen as a replacement fuel is not clear.28 There are questions to be resolved about however hydrogen would need to be sustainably produced and technical issues with introducing more than 20% hydrogen into the gas grid, addressed. The HYNET29 and HY4HEAT30 programmes are currently exploring how hydrogen can support localities through replacement of natural gas. GM should aim to consider the role of hydrogen in the development of local energy plans for support GM’s 2038 carbon neutrality ambition.

Low Carbon Transport – Vehicle Electrification:

Ultra-low emission vehicles are currently a small proportion of the vehicle fleet: at approx. 150,000 vehicles nationally (approx. 2000 in GM) they make up less than 1% of the market in the UK. However, potential for growth is enormous: between 2011 and 2017 the ULEV fleet grew by 750%. This presents significant challenges and opportunities for GM in terms of energy management and emissions reduction. Growth in GM is contingent on a fit for purpose infrastructure network, adequate vehicle supplies, a strong

consumer base and the right market conditions. The GM EV procurement process has already been initiated and is designed to bring a supplier for a regional contract to attract public and private investment, supporting a technical refresh of existing stock and expansion of network with new charging infrastructure to meet continually growing demands. Figure 6 shows three different Electricity North West scenarios for the growth in electric vehicle volumes in the north west of England.

28 National Infrastructure Assessment. 2018. Congestion, Capacity, Carbon: Priorities for National Infrastructure. Available at: 29 Cadent Gas. 2018. HYNET Programme. Available at: 30 Demonstrating Hydrogen for Heat. 2018. HY4HEAT Programme. Available at:

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Figure 6: Electricity North West view of Future Volumes of e-vehicles © Electricity North West Ltd 2018.

Hydrogen vehicles are promoted by some as a credible alternative to EVs, as well as existing petrol and diesel technologies. However, with current trends in manufacturing and falling capital costs, EVs will likely take the lead for low emission vehicles in the short to medium term,31 with hydrogen possibly being an alternative for heavy goods vehicles (HGVs).

Diversity and Flexibility:

The ability for multiple energy streams to provide flexibility and resilience to the GM region’s networks will need to be increased. This will be particularly important as the electricity network is likely to become more constrained as increased electrification of heating, combined with EV charging places considerable demands on the grid at peak times.

New service models, able to provide cost effective low carbon energy solutions, whole house and energy system approaches will need to be

developed, demonstrated and adopted to support the integration of heating, generation and storage into buildings and communities.

This may provide the required diversity and flexibility to defer and, ideally, avoid grid reinforcement works as peak electricity demand increases, along with providing greater control, comfort, value and convenience for residents and businesses.

31 National Infrastructure Assessment. 2018. Congestion, Capacity, Carbon: Priorities for National Infrastructure. Available at:

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Flexibility Services – Local network operators may become increasingly involved in the provision of network capacity and this will, in part, be achieved by establishing local markets where providers of services can sell this flexibility. The DSO will create this market and buy flexibility services to manage the distribution network, which may be provided from storage, generation or demand management.

Energy as a service is an innovative future service, which could focus on selling the experiences people value that use of energy affords, instead of the commodity inputs, which are less relatable. A possible concept is based around the ‘warm hour’, which has been developed as part of the Smart Systems and Heat programme. The potential for new services people can relate more closely to the experiences they value is likely to open a range of interdependent commercial opportunities, policy options and regulatory needs32. Mobility as a service is an innovative mobility concept supported by new technologies. In GM, it is being explored through an app which brings together all the different ways people travel, with the potential to make all journeys simpler, quicker, cheaper and the transport network more efficient. Figure 7: Mobility as a service ©Transport for Greater Manchester. 2018.

Research completed to date demonstrates the region has significant technical potential for further deployment of low carbon technologies in support of GM’s carbon ambitions. This technical potential represents the opportunity for energy generation within the limitations of existing technology

32 Energy Technologies Institute. 2017. An ETI insights Report Domestic Energy Services. Available at:

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performance, local resource availability and identified constraints, as set out in the GM Spatial Energy Plan.

Emerging Opportunities Stakeholder Engagement

Following the Mayor’s Green Summit in March 2018, GMCA, along with key community and industry stakeholders, have taken part in several energy workshops to obtain feedback and identify potential opportunities to support the four key focus areas. Three questions were presented to initiate discussions:

1. How does GM scale up local renewable energy generation over the next 5 years? 2. How is GM going to meet the low carbon heat gap before hydrogen is potentially

mainstreamed in both the short and medium term? 3. How does GM tackle the need for diversity and flexibility at a local level if they were to make

significant changes to the energy supply?

Detailed responses provided to GM to the questions can be found within the Annex, however, the main findings suggested the following:

1. How does GM scale up local renewable energy generation over the next 5 years? - Asset Data Book - A portfolio of potential generation and / or storage sites (like a Power

Paired model but larger than just community energy projects). - Finance Aggregator - Provides the ability for funding to be available through a variety

of mechanisms, including but not limited to: Private initiatives that would invest in deliverable projects; Local tax (need to be confirmed); and A public energy company model.

- Invest to save - An ‘Energy Company’ or alike, which supports the GM region, could develop business cases to bring forward renewable energy at scale by reinvesting profits into new renewable and / or low carbon generation projects. Explore the opportunity to work closely with Electricity North West Limited (ENWL) to identify areas of need and or challenge and work towards developing renewable generation on those sites.

- Scaled Solutions (domestic, community, city-region, etc.) - New planning guidance is required to support the development and acceleration of new renewable generation and / or low carbon projects. There is a requirement for different planning policy solutions and / or levers for varying scales of deployment.

2. How is GM going to meet the low carbon heat gap before hydrogen is potentially mainstreamed in both the short and medium term? - Develop heat infrastructure and / or heat networks - Expand the support for district

heating development and local delivery. Explore heat from food waste and sewage i.e. bio methane. Hydrogen for instance may provide 2-3% mix to the gas network in the next 5 years.

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- Heat as a service and / or heat pumps - Hybrid approach to utilise existing gas boiler infrastructure. Support the development of Heat as a Service to accelerate the deployment of heat pumps.

- Investment to save - Not a 5-year contract but long-term commitment to underwrite the risk. Special Purchase Vehicle (SPV) could provide flexible funding options.

- New build policy - Low carbon infrastructure. Highlight the benefits of the use of heat networks in new heavily urbanised developments.

3. How does GM tackle the need for diversity and flexibility at a local level if they were to make significant changes to the energy supply? - Reduce demand in the first place - Energy efficiency in buildings, through improved

thermal efficiency. This reduces demand and creates opportunities for more flexible heating solutions.

- Create a demand pull for time of use tariffs - Suppliers & distributors - Demand management platforms - GMCA to act as a demand aggregator through a

Local Energy Market and / or Energy Company. - Excess renewable energy to go to storage applications, including but not limited to

Lithium Ion Battery and Hydrogen. - Distributors to purchase flexibility instead of building new capacity.

Smart Grid (Energy Network)

Electricity North West Limited (ENWL) will develop a Distribution ‘System’ Operator (DSO) model to facilitate the optimisation of both generation and electricity usage across the region.

The electricity distribution network for the GM area is owned and operated by ENWL. As with all UK distribution networks, it was designed and built as a passive network with electricity flowing down from large power stations, through the transmission and distribution networks to customers’ meters.

The growth in locally generated electricity, together with the introduction of low carbon technologies such as battery storage, EVs and heat pumps means this model is no longer appropriate.

A smarter, more flexible DSO will replace the traditional DNO model. The understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the DSO is still being developed and ENWL are working with local stakeholders and national bodies to understand the technical and regulatory challenges the industry faces in transitioning to this new model. The product of this transition will result in a Smart Grid, which will help optimise both the generation and usage of electricity in the region and facilitate the local trading of electricity.

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Figure 8: Smart Grid © Edie. 2017.

Energy Efficiency in Homes

It is proposed that GM explores options and mechanisms to support and increase the affordability of retrofitting the region’s existing homes, to make them smart and energy efficient, leading to the creation of potentially 55,000 jobs by 2040.

A stronger, informed policy approach to both new build standards and importantly, retrofitting of existing building stock, is needed to drive innovation.

The scale of GM’s proposed new developments and GM’s Spatial Framework will provide a significant opportunity to drive higher standards in the new build market with future proofing for the transition to low carbon energy supply. Planning positively for this change will avoid stranded assets in a rapidly changing transition. GM’s Infrastructure Framework 204033 has the aim of ensuring GM’s infrastructure does not become a barrier to economic growth and impact on the environment.

There are currently few drivers for the improvement of existing homes up to or beyond current building regulations. In the Clean Growth Strategy, the Government has set out an ambition to reduce the expense and challenge of retrofit solutions in all homes34. Therefore, it is proposed that GM considers implementing robust retrofitting policies within the planning system, which could encourage decarbonisation of existing homes by homeowners applying for planning permissions.

33 The Greater Manchester Infrastructure Framework 2040. (2018). Not Published. 34 HM Government. October 2017. Clean Growth Strategy. Available at:

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Skills and Supply Chain

As increased national and local standards begin to drive innovation, it will also be crucial to stimulate skills and training in this sector to enable roll out of retrofit measures and new infrastructure at the scale required. Presently a shortage of suitably skilled contactors and labour force means this sector is being held back from progressing at a rate that is comparable to other European countries. The Greater Manchester Low Carbon Environment Goods and Services (LCEGS) Sector Deep Dive Report35 identifies relevant assets for the LCEGS sector in GM. Sector assets have been identified based on their role in supporting jobs and / or Gross Value Added (GVA) growth for GM now and in the future. These include business clusters, industrial assets and research institutions, which are incorporated into GM’s Sustainable Urban Development Strategy36 and seen as a key strategic asset for the city region. For example, the University of Salford’s Energy House serves as a construction innovation hub for companies to shape research and develop construction skills for the region. By providing a whole house laboratory, the Energy House permits robust testing of construction materials and performance of equipment and appliances. Support for the development of higher-level skills, developed in concert with industry, will provide regional competitive advantage for GM in these areas.

Community Energy

The increased need for additional generation, storage and more broadly new and improved delivery mechanisms supports the need to continue to realise the contribution and power of community energy. Community-led action can often tackle challenging issues around energy, with community groups well placed to understand their local areas and to bring people together with common purpose.

Examples of what GM’s community energy groups are doing:

Generation Oldham – a local initiative, which helps local companies and community organisations to install energy generating equipment and energy efficiency measures in their buildings. The aim of the programme is to deliver large-scale solar PV on council-owned community buildings and schools, with a longer-term aspiration to include community-owned buildings and private sector businesses.

35 Greater Manchester Combined Authority. September 2016. Low Carbon and Environmental Goods and Services: Deep Dive 06 Report. Available at: 36 Greater Manchester Combined Authority. 2014. Sustainable Urban Development Strategy. Available at:

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Oldham also leads for GM on a 5-year EU funded project, COALESCCE (Community Owned And Led Energy for Security, Climate Change and Employment), in which energy agencies from seven partner countries work together to share expertise to help community energy projects get off the ground. The project will eventually help to develop new schemes and lower bills for local residents, businesses, schools and community groups who take part. COALESCCE has brought together the community energy sector in Greater Manchester with a 2-5 year action plan, which will enable this sector to play its part in the delivery of GM’s ambitions.

Greater Manchester Community Renewables Limited (GMCR) – a community benefit society, set up and run by volunteers to install community-owned renewable energy across GM. GMCR raises funds, including through share offers, to install solar panels on schools and community buildings, helping them save money, reduce their carbon footprint, and inspire children and the community to learn about energy and climate change.

GM Whole System Smart Energy Framework

The expansion of Local Area Energy Planning (LAEP), supported by wider GM strategies, with increased innovation, pipeline development, the creation of a delivery vehicle and optimisation would support GM’s transition to carbon neutrality.

As GM aims to become an Energy Transition Region* utilising their estates, assets, academia and research facilities to progress innovation, through smart technologies and services, integration and optimisation within a clearly defined innovation zone. GM also intends to explore the development of an Energy Innovation Company to support and normalise decarbonisation activity.

*Note: Energy Transition Region is a GM vision, which builds upon the innovation zone concept. It is not related to ESC’s Energy Transition Town concept. Both are independent of one another and address differing elements and approaches to decarbonisation. In the future, these concepts could support one another, but this is not currently planned.

Figure 9: Proposed GM Whole System Smart Energy Framework Approach © Greater Manchester Combined Authority. 2019.

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6. Local Area Energy Planning It is suggested GM expands from its piloting of whole system Local Area Energy Planning using EnergyPath Networks undertaking in Bury, in partnership with ENWL, Cadent and ESC and more widely across GM using the Energy System Modelling Environment (ESME). This will aim to endure that GM is able to cost effectively deliver its decarbonisation ambitions and is also able to consider the impacts of different options and choices, in the context of a changing national energy system.

It is GM’s intent to take a whole systems approach, utilising the Energy Transition Region and future energy programmes, supported by LAEP, informed by EnergyPath Networks modelling, as piloted in Bury (see appendix). GM will explore how this can be further extended to encompass all 10 districts of GM and provide more robust data driven energy system modelling to inform future projects in the four priority areas:

Generation and storage; Decarbonised heat; Low carbon transport; and Flexibility and diversity.

This will support GM’s ambition to accelerate decarbonisation of the local energy system. Further exploration with external partners (potentially ESC) is required to implement an emerging framework approach to LAEP, supporting the scaling up of this new whole systems approach to LAEP across the region. This framework approach will address issues associated with data quality, local capacity and engagement with key stakeholders in the energy system. Figure 9 sets out the opportunities arising from taking a new approach to LAEP. Figure 10 shows ESC’s framework for LAEP.

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Figure 10: Opportunities arising from LAEP ©Energy Technologies Institute LLP 2018

Figure 11: Energy Systems Catapult framework for LAEP

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©Energy Technologies Institute LLP 2018

This emerging framework approach provides a method by which the planning and design of the future energy system of GM and related decision making can be considered at a regional and local level. It creates an effective feedback loop to inform national energy strategy and a mechanism by which the costs and benefits of different local energy system designs can be evaluated and plans for change can be defined. Within the framework local people and communities can be engaged and ultimately informed network choices and investment decisions can be made for a low carbon future. Figure 12: Feedback Loop ©Energy Technologies Institute LLP 2018

GM’s ambition, coupled with this whole systems LAEP approach, will be connected effectively with other spatial, development and environment planning activities across the region, including integration with the GM infrastructure map, to support carbon reduction ambitions.

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7. Energy Transition Region Concept

It is proposed that GM explores and develops the Energy Transition Region concept, governance and structures required, through its existing Low Carbon Hub provision and wider partnerships, to facilitate: How the region generates, consumes, trades and transmits energy is changing. Trialling innovative solutions (technology or service led) to meet these changes may also require new market structures, energy services, tariffs to be developed and tested. Figure 13: Proposed GM Approach © Greater Manchester Combined Authority. 2018.

GM for some time has proposed to explore and develop an Energy Transition Region (ETR) concept, the required governance and structures, through their existing Low Carbon Hub and wider partnerships, to facilitate:

The provision of innovative and digitally enabled smart energy systems and energy services, leading to smart grids for GM residents, which can only be achieved through initial testing and demonstration. This will challenge and disrupt the established markets, accelerating the deployment of new generation, heating, transport and storage measures and services: and

The optimisation of local assets to provide demand side response and potentially open ancillary markets, which could form the key stone of future Energy Innovation Companies.

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This will involve improving how GM connects generation, networks and consumers to enable demand management and to realise the benefits of storage and flexibility.

By enabling these partnerships to occur, innovation, research and knowledge can be accelerated through to commercialisation and normalisation, providing a compelling case to government and the relevant regulator (Ofgem), to enable policy and regulatory reform to be trialled and tested as and when required, in a safe and controlled environment.

Figure 14: Energy Transition Region © Greater Manchester Combined Authority

As an example, the EnergyPath Network Modelling carried out for Bury supports the view that a radical shift is required towards the electrification of heat to meet accelerated carbon reduction targets and deliver wider benefits including employment, health and energy security.


The ETR concept could be developed and established using an expansion of the existing governance structure, which includes members of the GM Low Carbon Hub Board, GM Energy Group and Cadent, alongside Ofgem regulatory bodies.

This governance approach would not only bring together regulators with the public sector, academia and utilities, but also have the potential to embrace wider business, industrial, commercial and social landlords, enabling all sectors of GM to participate and benefit.

By enabling these partnerships to occur, GM’s ambition for innovation, research and knowledge to be accelerated through to commercialisation and normalisation. This will provide an informed and compelling position to enable policy and regulatory reform to be trialled and tested, as and when required, in a safe and controlled environment.

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This Whole System Smart Energy Plan for GM provides the framework to focus and achieve a shift in how the region supports generation and storage, low carbon heating and transport, alongside a smart and integrated local energy market / grid.

Access and Availability

The ETR concept would have to be available to multiple parties and consortia, with appropriate governance and rules in place. This would enable organisations to develop new and innovative technologies and services, whilst safeguarding the grid and ensuring consumer protection via a proposed application process (to be defined). As GM already has a significant number of existing demonstrators from which lessons can be learnt, the ETR concept would act to harness this knowledge from the existing demonstrators. The concept envisages the individual projects being supported from any stage of their development, from research and laboratory testing through to pre-commercialisation ‘living demonstrators’ in real life settings. All projects could/would be undertaken at any one time to tackle different energy system challenges, ranging from domestic to commercial, technical to energy system with the appropriate consumer protection being applied. The projects will be complementary to one another and provide challenges to the existing energy system, while being supportive of the overall local and national low carbon aspirations. Some individual projects may require a form of derogation from energy regulations to trial innovative products and services that require changes from the current energy market structure. This would be explored and agreed with Ofgem on a case by case basis. A combination of living demonstrators’ simulation and / or test lab capabilities (ESC supported ‘living labs’, Energy House and Smart Meter Lab at University of Salford, High Voltage test facilities at University of Manchester and the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Centre of Excellence at Manchester Metropolitan University, Graphene institute) potentially creates a powerful pathway and innovation environment. This enables companies to explore the end-to-end opportunities of how technologies connect and integrate with the energy systems and / or how service models are received by the consumer (consumer insight) with feedback to the provider (service model / technology development). This approach provides the details required to support and where necessary influence energy regulation and inform local and national policy. From this type of activity occurring, GM aims to become a UK leader, transforming the region into a greener, cleaner, climate resilient city region, creating and growing jobs and developing the skilled workforce required to service future energy system changes.

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Proposed ETR Concept Criteria The GM proposed ETR concept will focus support on renewable energy and low carbon projects and services which are aligned to the Industrial Strategy, both locally and nationally, and which can demonstrate one or more of the following:

Dramatically reduce whole system energy costs and emissions; Transform services to users; Improve efficiency, productivity and resilience; Reduce environmental impacts; Maintain network and consumer protection; Provide cleaner, cheaper, more desirable energy services for the end user; Lead to more prosperous and resilient communities; Prove new business models that are suitable for investment and can grow and be replicated;

and Provide evidence on the impacts and efficiency of novel energy system approaches.

As a part of the ETR concept, GM would be able to encourage innovative and ambitious partnerships, bringing together a range of stakeholders: businesses (of all sizes), research organisations, public sector and / or third-sector organisations, who can inform and inspire consumers and private investors.

Funding The ETR concept currently being developed by GM envisages projects will initially be industry led, with funding on a case by case basis from external sources. The concept requires further design and due diligence, however, once the ETR concept has been agreed with all relevant stakeholders, separate asks to government, Innovate UK and businesses, exploring ring-fenced funding for related future projects, would be undertaken. These again would be on a case by case basis, working towards pre-agreed criteria and focused challenges.

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8. GM Goes Neutral – A Low Carbon Investment Portfolio It is proposed that GM commits to developing a wider portfolio of identified generation, storage, low carbon heating, EV infrastructure, diverse and flexible investment projects. GM Goes Neutral could bring together the broader portfolio of low and / or zero carbon investment opportunities currently being developed under the different themes of the Buildings Retrofit Plan, Natural Capital Investment Plan and beyond, to create a place-based investment portfolio.

Based upon the 5-year goals around the four focus areas, GM has calculated that the 5-year forecasted investment required is:

Generation and storage – 45 MW of additional generation by 2024 = £36 million37; Decarbonisation of heat – 10.2 TWh of low carbon heat by 2024 = £1 billion38; Low carbon transport – Up to 200,000 low carbon vehicles by 2024 = £140 million39 Diversity and flexibility – 45 MW of diverse / flexible energy load by 202440 = £15 million41.

The current energy centric Go Neutral pilot project, led by Arup and the GMCA, brings together six districts with the shared mission “to deliver between 15 MW – 40 MW of low and / or zero carbon energy infrastructure capacity by 2024”. The project focuses on the potential for local authorities to create additional revenue from energy generation assets, diversifying investment portfolios and shaping estate management strategies. The aim is to create a body of investment opportunities that provide the basis for a zero and / or low carbon energy prospectus in the short term and strategic project pipeline for the longer term, resulting in the following proposed outcomes:

Short term: To create GM’s first prospectus of spaces for low and / or zero carbon infrastructures, launched at the 2019 GM Green Summit.

Longer term: Significant emission reductions achieved through a step change in implementing low and / or zero carbon energy infrastructure through the diversification, regeneration and repurposing of low value spaces in GM.

An assessment matrix developed by Arup assessed 97 assets and / or locations42 within GM as being suitable for low and / or zero carbon energy opportunities from the 6 local authorities that were assessed. The assessment presented individual and cumulative scores for assets to understand the level of constraint. Figure 14 shows how these are distributed across the 6 local authorities.

37 Based upon £800 per kWh PV install. 38 Based upon 150,000 heat pumps installed at an average cost of £7,000 per install. 39 Based upon Integrated public realm charging infrastructure to support 200,000 low carbon vehicles £70m over 5 years of operation, with an additional £68m to support c. 1,500 EV buses. 40 The energy background can be found within the Appendix of this document. 41 Based upon the LEM platform and additional controls to GM wide buildings. 42 Assets which are highlighted not for development as part of the GM Spatial Framework. These include both land and roof space under public ownership.

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Figure 15: Phase 1 Call for Assets © Arup 2019.

From the initial high-level review of the 97 sites assessed, 61 could potentially accommodate solar PV, 25 could potentially accommodate battery storage and 11 could potentially accommodate EV charging infrastructure, with a potential capital investment opportunity of almost £500m. The initial concept indicates carbon savings of estimated at over 350 ktCO2 per year.

Figure 16: Phase 1 Unconstrained Potential © Arup 2019.

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The phase 1 assessment identified the potential for public sector assets to accommodate zero and / or low carbon infrastructure. Further analysis would be required to provide a more detailed picture, resulting in business cases that can unlock the potential in each local authority.

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9. Energy Innovation Company GM will explore the establishment of the necessary capacity and policy frameworks, to accelerate the implementation of energy generation, distribution, storage, trading and smart systems schemes across the region.

The energy system fundamentally underpins GM’s economy. For some households, businesses and communities, it is also one of their largest costs and / or risks. The electrification of heat and transport, required to meet carbon and air quality targets, will put unprecedented stress on the existing electricity grid. The energy system must therefore rapidly undergo a ‘4D transition’ of decarbonisation, digitisation, decentralisation, and democratisation, led largely by DNOs (or DSOs) and Energy Supply Companies. Much of the UK’s carbon reduction to date has been through the decarbonisation of the electricity network (coal to gas and renewables) however, GM understands that it can technically support up to 70%43 of the city region’s energy demand locally. On this basis, local decarbonisation provides the opportunity to make an increased contribution to both local and national targets. If GM wants to achieve their carbon neutral target by 2038, a local decarbonisation approach will be key to ensuring GM remains in control of how as a region these carbon neutral aspirations are achieved if complete national decarbonisation does not occur. GMCA has made a commitment44 to investigate the development of a GM Energy Innovation Company. The scope, role and structure of such an enterprise are under review with specific reference to:

1. How it could support the accelerated decarbonisation of GM’s infrastructure; and 2. Overcome the anticipated problems.

Feasibility work carried out by GMCA in 2016, on a ‘traditional’ model for a municipal GM Energy Company concluded that the level of upfront investment and competition in the current marketplace was too high to justify this approach. Additionally, a ‘white label’ Energy Company approach was thought to offer insufficient control over energy tariffs and strategic direction to deliver GM’s aspirations (e.g. around tackling fuel poverty) and therefore carried significant financial and reputational risk. An option for establishing a GM Energy Innovation Company may combine the use of available funding streams to build the essential elements of an organisation, which could develop, deliver and manage energy generation, energy efficiency and smart distribution projects (Figure 17). This would need to be explored by the region to establish the most viable and feasible option to meet local place-based needs.

43 Energy Technologies Institute. (ETI). October 2016. Greater Manchester Spatial Energy Plan. Available at: 44 Mayoral Green Summit Event. March 2018. Manchester.

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The optimisation of local assets to provide DSR and potentially open other ancillary markets could form the key stone of a future Energy Innovation Company. A local Energy Innovation Company could potentially generate income for the 10 districts within GM and assist in decarbonisation, resulting in GM’s energy system becoming smarter. In addition, it may increase the viability of local energy generation schemes and potentially reduce the risk of energy price volatility to consumers. This may be achieved via a contractual partnership with an existing Ofgem-licensed energy supply company, to supply energy trading and customer services. Figure 17: Alternative Local and Industrial Approach ©Greater Manchester Combined Authority, 2018.

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Resource It is proposed GM reviews and explores options to remove known barriers to delivery and accelerated uptake.

It is currently understood that GM Local Authorities consider the following to be barriers to progress and achieving scale access to advice and technical support, opportunities for adopting new technologies; capacity to develop projects and bid for funding and encouraging existing staff to adopt new ways of working.

An example could be the expiation of a new ‘Smart Energy’ Project Delivery Unit which would seek to provide relevant technical and project management expertise, alongside other specialism and / or capacity. Its main tasks will include supporting the development of smart energy, energy efficiency, and low carbon mobility (i.e. electric vehicle infrastructure and EV to Grid capability) and smart grid (including storage applications) related projects. This could form part of either the Energy Transition Region concept, Energy Innovation Company, both or simply a standalone resource.

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10. Local Energy Markets It is proposed that GM and partners further explore the design of a Local Energy Market (LEM) for the region, post the current Prospering from the Energy Revolution (PfER) funded feasibility project. Thus, providing the future ability to optimise the regions local energy system as set out within the Proposed GM Whole System Smart Energy Framework Approach

The current GM LEM project supports and builds upon the transition that the region’s organisations are respectively making towards carbon neutrality and equally DSO status. The project aims to test the feasibility of a GM region wide LEM, capable of responding to `place-based’ constraints and market needs.

A key driver for the LEM feasibility project is to enable and increase the flexibility in the local energy distribution network through novel management tools (including building management systems), market aggregators and virtual power plants (VPP), to allow higher penetration and accelerated deployment of renewable energy sources and DSR opportunities for all. ENWL who lead the project consortium with support from GMCA, bring together the resources of Hitachi EU, Bruntwood and innovative SME Upside Energy to explore the following key objectives: Identify the requirements for an LEM, i.e. control and trading platforms;

Establish if LEM needs to integrate with other local control platforms, particularly those operated by project lead ENWL, to provide balancing services locally and provide an interface to the national transmission system; and

Demonstrate the value a LEM can bring to stakeholders from across the region, including domestic and commercial consumers, smaller scale renewable projects, vehicle to grid projects, and ENWL.

In addition, the project seeks to ultimately provide and support the delivery of one or a number of the following benefits:

Reduce energy bills by at least 25%;

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions;

Provide a world-leading consumer experience;

Produce and support high value local jobs and UK supply chain opportunities;

Improve energy security at short and long timescales (from millisecond through to annual);

Help make the UK resilient to technological, environmental, social, economic and wider changes;

Improve efficiency across the whole energy system;

Support air quality targets;

Improve infrastructure productivity; and

Create ways to test and scale up new technologies, business, regulatory or consumer models, speeding up industry growth.

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11. Benefits Policy and commercial insights analysis accompanying the EnergyPath Networks analysis (refer to appendix background local for further detail) considered the economic impact results from the scenarios modelled in Bury. Although the analysis is specific to Bury, similar socio-economic benefits could be expected for other districts across GM as they pursue decarbonisation in line with this Whole System Smart Energy Plan. Evidence on benefits of decarbonisation and the low carbon transition have been explored further with the UK Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan45, Clean Growth Strategy46, CCC Reports47 and Options, Choices and Actions Report48.

The energy transition costs illustrated for Bury would partly be offset by several socio-economic benefits, including:

Direct Benefits:

Cost reduction and / or avoidance related to reduced energy usage; Improved efficiency and comfort levels; and Improved air quality and carbon reduction.

Wider Benefits:

Employment opportunities; Increased energy security; and Improvement in health.


The work in Bury considered these benefits using a methodology based on the HM Treasury Green Book49. The Green Book contains an appraisal guidance, background analysis and calculations toolkit50, which was last updated in March 2017.

Validation of the outputs was carried out using assumptions and methodology from the Greater Manchester Cost Benefit Analysis, 45 UK Government. 2017. Upgrading our Energy System: Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan. Available at: 46 UK Government. 2017. Clean Growth Strategy. Available at: 47 Committee on Climate Change. June 2018. Reducing UK emissions. 2018 Progress Report to Parliament. Available at: 48 49 HM Treasury. April 2013. The Green Book: Appraisal and Evaluation in Central Government. April 2013. Available at: 50 HM Treasury. April 2013. The Green Book Supplementary Guidance: Valuation of Energy use and Greenhouse gas emissions for appraisal. Available at:

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Low Carbon and Energy Efficiency Tool, with only minor differences in outputs. Examples of the benefits identified are given below.

Employment Benefits

The investment to decarbonise Bury will generate jobs to plan and innovate the local energy system, and to produce and install the new infrastructure necessary. Figure 17 shows the modelled number of infrastructure jobs creased, with up to 490 in the period of 2035 to 2044.

Figure 18: Number of full-time jobs within the time-period for both Bury carbon target scenarios © Energy Technologies Institute LLP 2018

These jobs are additional to those expected under a scenario without a local carbon target. Network infrastructure jobs are those associated with reinforcing and installing new networks and jobs in the other infrastructure category represent domestic work (insulation, heating system replacement etc) and energy centre construction / maintenance.

The estimation of local infrastructure jobs created is based on standard treasury assumptions:

A conservative estimate of 18 FTE per £m of investment., calculated from extra material spend; and

17.3% ‘leakage’ accounted for (jobs created outside the local authority) – the average government figure for sub-regional capital projects.

Jobs created associated with planning and innovation are not quantified but can be expected to be additional to those above. Innovation jobs created in Bury are likely to be higher if Bury was to take the lead and act ahead of other local areas.

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Health Benefits

The health benefits of the two carbon reduction scenarios were evaluated by converting projected energy savings into Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs51). The value placed on each QALY was £30,000 as per the UK Green Treasury book. Table 152 outlines the health benefits which different energy efficiency measures can provide when implemented.

Table 1: Health Benefits from across both the 2040 and 2050 carbon Bury EPN by individual energy measure.

51 A Quality Adjusted Life Year attempts to put a value on a year of good health. A value of £30,000 per QALY has been used as per the UK Treasury Green Book. 52 Department of Energy and Climate Change. 2013. Fuel Poverty: a Framework for Future Action. Available at:

Measure Low Medium High

Loft Insulation

Duration of Benefits 42 years 47 years 50 years

Present Value / Measure £703 £885 £1,025

QALY / Measure 0.034 0.045 0.053

Cavity Wall Insulation

Duration of Benefits 42 years 47 years 50 years

Present Value / Measure £758 £969 £1,139

QALY / Measure 0.037 0.049 0.060

Solid Wall Insulation

Duration of Benefits 36 years 41 years 50 years

Present Value / Measure £592 £742 £1,195

QALY / Measure 0.027 0.036 0.063

Replacement Boiler

Duration of Benefits 12 years 17 years 18 years

Present Value / Measure £127 £224 £246

QALY / Measure 0.005 0.009 0.010

Central Heating

Duration of Benefits 12 years 17 years 18 years

Present Value / Measure £172 £303 £332

QALY / Measure 0.006 0.012 0.013

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Figure 19: Health Benefits from the 2040 and 2050 carbon Bury EPN carbon scenarios and by individual energy measure © Energy Technologies Institute LLP 2018







2050 2040







Carbon Target

Health Benefits of Carbon Target

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12. Road Map to the Future As GM aims to become a carbon neutral city region, developing an energy system which is smart and fit for the future, low carbon and economically, environmentally and socially sustainable is challenging, but not unsurmountable. Electricity North West Ltd’s (ENWL) Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (which covers a geographical footprint slightly larger than GMs boundaries) use a range of long-term forecasts for demand, generation and storage, together with scenarios for network impacts to develop the scenarios used in long term system planning. These scenarios inform GM’s view of the requirements for reinforcement, flexible services and other services in the region. The process is outlined below: Figure 20: Forecasting used in Network Planning © Electricity North West Ltd 2018

There are several variables which influence and act as drivers for forecasts, which in turn impact on electricity demand, reactive power, distributed generation and storage. These are described below.

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Figure 21: What drives forecasts? © Electricity North West Ltd 2018

ENWL’s Distribution Future Energy Scenarios utilises five scenarios based on a Green Future versus Prosperity axis (Figure 22) and takes a baseline form present day through to 2050. The peak Megavolt Amps (MVA) forecast (Figure 23) illustrates how demand will grow in the north west of England over the next five years, for the different scenarios. Figure 22– 2018: Forecasts – rationale of scenarios © Electricity North West Ltd 2018

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Figure 23: Peak MVA Forecast © Electricity North West Ltd 2018

A step change to how the GM region approaches energy efficiency, energy and more broadly decentralised delivery is required to facilitate GM’s decarbonisation ambition. The 5-year road map (Figure 24) provides the strong foundations and assets to stimulate change and growth for the future. This will be supported through enabling actions, demonstrators and delivery focused programmes as set out in the annex. The 5 -year goals are informed by current ESME and SCATTER energy models to provide a GM projected policy pathway with CCS.

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Figure 24: 5-year road map

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13. Acronyms

ANM Active Network Monitoring ASHP Air Source Heat Pump BEIS Department for Business,

Energy and Industrial Strategy CCC Committee on Climate Change CCS Carbon Capture and Storage CHP Combined Heat and Power DEFRA Department for the

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

DHW Domestic Hot Water DNO Distribution Network Operator DSO Distribution System Operator DSR Demand Side Response EES Energy Efficiency Systems ENWL Electricity North West Limited EPN EnergyPath Networks ESCOs Energy Service Companies ESC Energy Systems Catapult ESME Energy System Modelling

Environment ETI Energy Technologies Institute ETR Energy Transition Region EVs Electric Vehicles FCH Fuel Cells and Hydrogen FTE Full Time Equivalent GM Greater Manchester GMCA Greater Manchester Combined

Authority GSHP Ground Source Heat Pump GVA Gross Value Added GW Gigawatt GWh/yr Gigawatt Hour per year HAES Homes as Energy Systems HGVs Heavy Goods Vehicles HS2 High Speed Rail

ICL Imperial College London JAQU Joint Air Quality Unit Km Kilometre ktCO2 Kilo Tonne Carbon Dioxide LAEP Local Area Energy Plan LCEGS Low Carbon Environment Goods LEM Local Energy Market Mt Mega Tonnes MtCO2/annum Mega Tonne Carbon

Dioxide per annum MW Megawatt MVA Megavolt Amp NEDO NEDO Smart Community

Demonstration NPPF National Planning Policy

Framework PfER Prospering from the Energy

Revolution QALYs Quality Adjusted Life Years SCATTER Setting City Area Targets and

Trajectories for Emissions Reduction

SME Small and Medium Sized Enterprise

Solar PV Solar Photovoltaic SPV Special Purpose Vehicle SSH Smart Systems and Heat TfGM Transport for Greater

Manchester TNO Transmission Network

Operator TWh Terawatt Hour TWh/yr Terawatt Hour per year ULEV Ultra-Low Emission Vehicles V2G Vehicle to Grid V2H Vehicle to Home V2B Vehicle to Business VPP Virtual Power Plant(s)

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14. Acknowledgements

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15. Appendices Appendix A Background: National

Nationally, there is a requirement to significantly accelerate the pace of decarbonisation to meet the 2023-2027 and 2028-2032 (fourth and fifth) carbon budgets. UK greenhouse gas emissions fell 3% in 201753, but most of this reduction came from electricity generation, which is one of the simpler challenges for policy to address. As a result, this masked the failure to decarbonise other energy vectors, as “other sectors present harder challenges for emissions reduction, with fewer aggregated sectors to aim at and the requirement for policy to drive real changes in consumer behaviour”54.

Under the Climate Change Act (the UK’s legal requirements), the two guiding objectives for the nation’s approach to reducing carbon emissions are55:

1. To meet our domestic commitments at the lowest possible net cost to UK taxpayers, consumers and businesses; and

2. To maximise the social and economic benefits for the UK from this transition.

To meet these objectives, the UK will need to nurture low carbon technologies, processes and systems that are as cost effective as possible.

The National Grid Future Energy Scenarios report 201856 sets out four credible pathways for the future of energy in the UK. These are designed against a backdrop of a high pace of change, which was highlighted during 2018 when the UK had three consecutive days free of coal fired power generation and solar generation continued to set new records. However, only the Two Degrees and Community Renewables scenarios meet the 2050 decarbonisation target, doing so in different ways.

To date, modelling compiled on behalf of GM, indicates the technical potential to generate a maximum of 70% of GM’s energy needs locally. This demonstrates that GM as a region will still have a reliance on national generation and energy infrastructure.

53 Committee on Climate Change. June 2018. Reducing UK emissions. 2018 Progress Report to Parliament. Available at: 54 Committee on Climate Change. June 2018. Reducing UK emissions. 2018 Progress Report to Parliament. Available at: 55 HM Government. October 2017. The Clean Growth Strategy. Leading the way to a low carbon future. Available at: 56 National Grid. July 2018. Future Energy Scenarios in five minutes. Available at:

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Two Degrees Scenario

Two Degrees Scenario meets the decarbonisation target through a more centralised approach, using large scale renewables, nuclear and gas fired power stations with carbon capture storage (CCS). The transport sector is almost decarbonised with a significant transition to EV, supplemented with hydrogen and other fuel sources. For city regions it assumes higher energy efficiency of buildings, through increased thermal efficiency of heating and by increasing the use of heat networks.

Figure A1: Future Energy Scenarios, Two Degrees Scenario. © National Grid plc 2018

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Community Renewables Scenario

The Community Renewables Scenario takes a more decentralised approach with increased renewables, storage and smart appliances providing the reduction of carbon. Transport follows a similar trajectory to the Two Degrees Scenario, with buildings receiving increased thermal efficiency and heating being provided in the main by heat pumps, both electric and hybrid (gas).

Figure A2: Future Energy Scenarios, Community Renewables Scenario.© National Grid plc 2018

The joint report from Imperial College London (ICL) and OVO Energy*, a Blueprint for a Post-Carbon Society57 discussed how smart technologies could improve household energy flexibility. This analysis indicates the potential to cut the annual cost of decarbonising Britain’s housing stock by almost £7bn.

The report considered three potential low carbon trajectories for the future of the UK’s energy network, each with differing amounts for flexible domestic energy factors. The most ambitious relied on 93% of the UK’s energy coming from renewables, supported by flexible smart technologies, including electric heating, in-home battery storage and EVs. This approach was found to save £6.9bn across the UK energy system overall, relative to the Future Survival Scenario baseline with no flexibility(one of three energy scenarios produced by Imperial College London and OVO, one of the most ambitious low carbon systems scenarios for the UK). Assuming ambitious decarbonisation, flexibility could reduce the cost, with the report claiming potential savings of £256 per household (if distributed equally across all households in the UK). The scenario relies on the uptake of 25 million EVs and 21 million electric heating units by 2040 – a trajectory which the report dubs “ambitious but achievable” - supported by considerable deployment of flexibility at a household level.

*Note: This is an external report which highlights the opportunity to improve household energy flexibility, however it requires further analysis and validation.

57 Imperial College London and OVO Energy. September 2018. Blueprint for a post carbon society. Available at:

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Background: Regional Science Based Carbon Pathway (GM)

The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change at the University of Manchester, prepared a carbon trajectory which provided a top-down assessment of GM’s overall emission reduction requirements to enable the city region to be compliant with the Paris Climate Agreement. This is shown in the grey area on Figure A3 below.

Two tools, SCATTER58 and ESME59, that both model future emissions scenarios for GM were used to assist in the understanding of the potential pathways to achieving the levels of reductions set out by the Tyndall Centre.

1. SCATTER – provides for different scenario pathways depending on decisions taken across over 40 different interventions and can therefore be adapted to reflect local circ*mstances and plans (not based on cost optimisation).

2. ESME – provides a cost optimised pathway to achieving a specified carbon target, in this case the most cost-effective way of being as close to carbon neutral within the model as possible by 2040. This is shown in the green dotted line on Figure A3 below.

Both models have their limitations as they are theoretical models of possible carbon reduction pathways and the level of change the models are based upon may not be practical to implement or achieve. Their principle value is in the scale of change they demonstrate is required to become carbon neutral.

Of the levels of ambition calculated by SCATTER, only the fourth scenario (all 40+ interventions implemented to their maximum ambition and extent, which is at the limit of current technology development and rollout) was capable of getting close to achieving the targets required to meet the Tyndall science-based target (i.e. delivering carbon neutrality a decade ahead of the UK Government’s current commitments of 80% reduction by 2050, based on the 1990 baseline). This is shown in the blue line on Figure A3 below.

SCATTER provides both demand (e.g. retrofit of domestic properties) and supply (e.g. the provision of solar PV) considerations and enabled the city region to evaluate the interventions it could deliver at a local level, as well as understanding the contribution provided through developments which would manifest on the national stage (e.g. grid decarbonisation). It should be noted that in addition to energy systems, SCATTER also provides interventions relating to transportation (e.g. Ultra-Low Emission Vehicles (ULEV) adoption, electrification of the rail network, modal shift etc.) and sequestration through enhanced natural capital (i.e. tree planting to align with GM’s contribution to the Great Northern Forest and preservation of upland peatland).

The SCATTER GM Projected Policy Pathway has been developed since the 2018 Green Summit and adapts the 40+ interventions in SCATTER to what is felt to be realistic and achievable in GM or what is currently planned. This is shown in the red line on Figure A3 below.

58 SCATTER (Setting City Area Targets and Trajectories for Emissions Reduction). Available at: 59 ESME: Energy System Modelling Environment.

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Figure A3: Four scenarios highlighted by SCATTER and ESME © Anthesis UK and Energy Systems Catapult, 2018.

Table A1 provides a summary of the energy related interventions from SCATTER that deliver the biggest benefits to GM. An Expert Panel (comprising Electricity North West, ESC, Siemens, Arup, BEIS and the GM Low Carbon Hub) supported the tool developers (Anthesis) in reviewing the technology interventions and their associated ambition thresholds to ensure they were relevant and implementable at the modelled levels.

Table A1: High level summary of the energy related interventions identified by SCATTER* and ESME

Sector SCATTER Intervention (Decentralised Pathway) threshold by 2050

ESME (Centralised Pathway of least regret) threshold by 2050

Energy Supply

GM’s energy supply decarbonised based on significant (but not exclusively) in boundary renewables.

Solar PV on 50% of domestic properties and over 500 football pitches equivalent of solar PV on commercial roof space / ground mounted sites.

10 x more biomass generation capacity.

10 x more onshore wind generation capacity.

The national grid decarbonises over time, with the main drivers of nuclear, wind and CCS.

GM takes most of its electricity from the national grid and so its decarbonisation is dependent on this.

Domestic Buildings

75% reduction in thermal leakiness (air tightness and draughts) of 60% of all homes.

Model chooses to install whole house insulation packages into 40% of homes, targeting thermally poor.

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* It should be noted, SCATTER is a city focused emissions model, built to create low carbon cities. It provides a bottom up approach of what feasible carbon pathways for GM may look like. It is an optimistic, stretched target. The table is not an exhaustive list of the scenarios run within SCATTER for GM. ESME is an Energy Systems Catapult energy systems model approach which looks at the pathway of least regret, i.e. a more centralised approach. Both models are to 2050, however GM’s interests are the pathways to 2038.

Background: Local

Local Area Energy Planning (Bury) – Future Local Area Energy Scenarios

As part of the SSH Programme, (see Section 3), GMCA has been piloting an advanced data driven whole system approach to Local Area Energy Planning60, initially focused on the challenge of decarbonising heat. Analysis was carried out for the Bury district using EnergyPath Networks61 and involved the investigation of tens of thousands of different future pathways, which created more than 100 possible future local energy scenarios.

Three main scenarios were selected by a stakeholder group (of both local and partner specialists) to be demonstrated as potential pathways for the decarbonisation of Bury’s energy system. The results are specific to Bury, but they illustrate the scale of change that will need to be coordinated within

60 Energy Systems Catapult. The project was funded by ETI and carried out by Energy Systems Catapult as part of Phase 1 of the Smart Systems and Heat programme. Available at: 61 EnergyPath is a registered trademark of Energy Technologies Institute LLP (ETI). See

80-100% of homes using electric (or zero carbon) heat source.

90% heat pumps (60% ground source, 30% air source), 3% district heating and 7% other (Inc. electric resistive).

Model chooses to deploy approximately 65% heat pumps, 25% district heat and 10% other (Inc. electric resistive) into domestic properties.

Commercial Buildings

Space heating demand drops by 40%. Hot water demand by 30%. Cooling demand by 60% - not

matched in ESME.

Space heating demand drops 20%. Hot water demand drops 10%.


100% zero emissions cars and buses by 2025.

Complete railway electrification by 2035.

25% reduction in passenger (km) travelled by 2035.

Significant modal shifts in walking and cycling (+4%), bus and train (+15%) and reducing car travel (-19%).

Freight modal shift (road -50%), greater hybridisation. Rail freight is all electric.

All new buses after 2025 are low carbon.

All new cars after 2030 are low carbon. Complete railway electrification by

2050. 25% reduction in per capita passenger

transport (km) by 2050. 28% reduction in per capita passenger

car use (km) by 2050. Freight modal shift 50% to rail by 2050.

Industry Not included in the ‘Scenario 4’

pathway due to uncertainty of CCS, however growth factors still applied.

Additional sector and process classification, with decarbonisation options dependent on these.

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each district of GM to meet the challenge of decarbonisation, as well as some of the specific hurdles that will need to be addressed. The scenarios selected provide an indication of Bury’s future energy system, subject to the level and action taken to reduce carbon emissions.

1. No Local Carbon Target is a business-as-usual scenario which assumes national electricity generation is decarbonised in line with current national carbon reduction targets.

This assumes that Bury provides no additional decarbonisation focus and relies purely on national policy. The scenario expects 86,000 of Bury’s forecasted 92,000 homes will continue to operate gas fired boilers, with no significant changes to energy network peak demand, by 2050. A 70% reduction in in-scope carbon emissions from a 1990 baseline is illustrated within this scenario.

2. A 2050 Carbon Target scenario assumes Bury focuses efforts to minimise their carbon emissions by 2050, in line with Bury’s commitment to the UK100 ambition62.

This scenario illustrates a route to decarbonise the local energy system at the lowest modelled total cost, achieving `in scope’63 carbon emissions reduction of 98% from a 1990 baseline. Most of the energy system change needed to decarbonise Bury occurs post 2035.

Under this scenario two thirds of Bury’s homes are anticipated to be heated through a heat pump (air or ground source) with the remaining third heated via heat networks. The total estimated energy and system cost64 for Bury to 2050 is 15% higher than not having a local carbon target and not achieving the UK100 ambition.

Figure A4: A 2050 Carbon Target © Energy Technologies Institute LLP 2018

62 UK100, 2017. For cleaner, more power communities. Available at: 63 In scope emissions include those associated with: Domestic, Industrial and Commercial electricity, gas & other fuels and large industrial installations. Out of scope relate to emissions associated with: Agriculture and Transportation. 64 Discounted to 2015 using HM Treasury Green Book Methodology.

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3. A 2040 Carbon Target scenario is based on Bury attempting to minimise the district’s carbon emissions by 2040, a decade earlier than the previous scenario and current national targets.

Almost half of Bury’s homes would utilise a low carbon heating system by 2035 with two thirds heated by heat pumps and the final third by heat networks by 2050.

This scenario achieves a 96% reduction by 2040 and a 98% reduction by 2050 from a 1990 baseline, minimising carbon by 2040 at a total estimated discounted energy and system cost 11% higher than achieving the previous 2050 carbon target.

Figure A5: A 2040 Carbon Target ©Energy Technologies Institute LLP 2018

Nationally, every energy consumer will be responsible for the increased cost for decarbonised energy generation, e.g. new power stations and / or generation. An increase in the use of local generation could help to mitigate this cost increase and ultimately increase the level of inward investment, keeping money in the local economy.

An investment of this scale would come with several social, economic and health benefits, outlined in Section 8 of the Whole System Smart Energy Plan. These include both direct and wider indirect benefits, such as cost reduction and cost avoidance related to self-generation, improved efficiency and comfort levels, local air quality, through to carbon reduction.

The Powering the Future GM Report provided by Centrica Business Solutions indicated potential savings from distributed energy solutions across all non-domestic electricity consumption in GM to be £105.2m65. This figure is based upon the reduction of 15% on bills which Centrica have found to be achievable from sites with distributed energy solutions installed. The report goes on to state the

65 Centrica Business Solutions. 2018. Distributed Energy Powering Greater Manchester’s Economic Future. Available at:

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three sectors of Industrial, NHS Greater Manchester and Hospitality / Leisure alone would then add £746m to the gross value added (GVA) of GM, supporting up to 10,500 jobs.

Figure A6: Powering Greater Manchester © Centrica Business Solutions. 2018

The creation of new employment opportunities and upskilling of the existing workforce would feed into the estimated 48,000 new opportunities across the north from low carbon interventions, as identified in the recent IPPR report66. The first mover advantage would enable GM to maximise the opportunities of achieving these benefits for the local economy, communities and districts.

66 Institute for Public Policy Research. 2018. Risk or Reward? Securing a just transition in the north of England. Interim Report. Available at:

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Appendix B

Stakeholder Engagement

Following the Mayor’s Green Summit in March 2018, GMCA, along with key community and industry stakeholders, have taken part in several energy workshops to obtain feedback and identify potential opportunities to support the four key focus areas. Three questions were presented to initiate discussions:

1. How does GM scale up local renewable energy generation over the next 5 years? 2. How is GM going to meet the low carbon heat gap before hydrogen is potentially

mainstreamed in both the short and medium term? 3. How does GM tackle the need for diversity and flexibility at a local level if it is to make

significant changes to the energy supply?

Detailed responses received by GM to the questions can be found in Table A2. In addition, the table also outlines GMs proposed strategic commitments, however, it should be noted these will require further development and collaboration with communities, districts, stakeholders and wider partners.

Table A2: Stakeholder Engagement

1. How does GM scale up local renewable energy generation over the next 5 years?

Workshop proposed opportunity GM’s proposed strategic commitments to support the four key focus areas

Asset Data Book - A portfolio of potential generation and / or storage sites (like a Power Paired model but larger than just community energy projects).

Generation and Storage - An expansion of the Go Neutral Project currently being undertaken by GMCA, producing a portfolio of potential generation and / or storage sites on publicly owned land and / or assets. This provides the foundation for this strategic approach.

Finance Aggregator - Provides the ability for funding to be available through a variety of mechanisms, including but not limited to:

Private initiative that would invest in deliverable projects;

Local tax (need to be confirmed); and A public Energy Company model.

Generation and Storage. Decarbonisation of Heat. Low Carbon Transport and Diversity and Flexibility - The proposed Energy Innovation Company has the potential to support a finance aggregator approach, subject to the model and approach taken

Invest to save - An ‘Energy Company’ or alike, which supports the GM region, could develop business cases to bring forward renewable energy at scale by reinvesting profits into new renewable and / or low carbon generation projects.

Explore the opportunity to work closely with ENWL to identify areas of need and or challenge and work towards developing renewable generation on those sites.

Generation and Storage. Decarbonisation of Heat. Low Carbon Transport and Diversity and Flexibility – The Go Neutral project provides the ability to identify a portfolio of potential renewable generation and storage sites. We commit to supporting the review of these opportunities and where applicable the development of minimum viable business cases.

The proposed Energy Innovation Company has the potential to support, deliver and reinvest profits/surplus into further renewable generation measures, identified as part of Go Neutral.

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Scaled Solutions (domestic, community, city-region, etc.) - New planning guidance is required to support the development and acceleration of new renewable generation and / or low carbon projects. There is a requirement for different planning policy solutions and / or levers for varying scales of deployment.

Generation and Storage. Decarbonisation of Heat and Low Carbon Transport – GMCA have committed to all new developments by 2028 will be net carbon zero. We will work with the Green Building Council and other building environment professionals in Greater Manchester to test this date and see whether it can be brought forward (and the intervening steps required such as the balance between building efficiency, onsite energy generation and offsetting measures for remaining carbon emissions).

We are also committed to providing the planning framework to set a minimum on site renewable generation target of 20%, on all new build developments.

2. How is GM going to meet the low carbon heat gap before hydrogen is potentially mainstreamed in both the short and medium term?

Workshop proposed opportunity GM’s proposed strategic commitments to support the four key focus areas

Develop heat infrastructure and / or heat networks - Expand the support for district heating development and local delivery. Explore heat from food waste and sewage i.e. bio methane. Hydrogen may be 2-3% ingrain in the next 5 years.

Generation and Storage. Decarbonisation of Heat - GM to develop a Hydrogen Strategy in conjunction with academia, industry and utilities.

Requirement to identify other strategic opportunities remains.

Heat as a service and / or heat pumps - Hybrid approach to utilise existing gas boiler infrastructure. Support the development of Heat as a Service to accelerate the deployment heat pumps.

Decarbonisation of Heat - GMCA will aim to build on our longstanding relationships with BEIS, Ofgem and ESC.

Requirement to identify other strategic opportunities remains.

Investment to save - Not a 5-year contract but long-term commitment to underweight the risk. A Special Purchase Vehicle (SPV) could provide flexible funding options.

Generation and Storage. Decarbonisation of Heat. Low Carbon Transport and Diversity and Flexibility - The proposed Energy Innovation Company has the potential to support with flexible funding options, subject to the model and approach taken.

Requirement to identify other strategic opportunities remains.

New build policy - Low carbon infrastructure. Highlight the benefits of the use of heat networks in new heavily urbanised developments.

Generation and Storage. Decarbonisation of Heat – We will set a framework for district energy and heat policy within specific identified opportunity areas across Greater Manchester.

3. How does GM tackle the need for diversity and flexibility at a local level if it is to make significant changes to the energy supply?

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Workshop proposed opportunity GM’s proposed strategic commitments to support the four key focus areas

Reduce demand in the first place - Energy efficiency in buildings, through improved thermal efficiency. This creates opportunity for more flexible heating solutions and reduced demands.

Generation and Storage, Decarbonisation of Heat and Diversity and Flexibility – GMCA Buildings Report will highlight opportunities for energy efficiency and delivery across buildings either publicly owned and or within our direct influence.

Requirement to identify other strategic opportunities remains.

Create a demand pull for time of use tariffs - Suppliers & distributors

Requirement to identify other strategic opportunities remains.

Demand management platforms - GMCA to act as a demand aggregator through a Local Energy Market and / or Energy Company.

Diversity and Flexibility - The proposed Energy Innovation Company has the potential to support a finance aggregator approach, subject to the model and approach taken. We will also commit to exploring how a Local Energy Market could be designed to support the aggregation, local peer to peer trading and maximisation of energy generation locally.

Excess renewable energy to go to – Storage Applications, including but not limited to Lithium Ion Battery and Hydrogen.

Generation and Storage, Decarbonisation of Heat and Diversity and Flexibility – Commitment to explore the Go Neutral project and Local Energy Market project findings to support the acceleration of storage applications across the city region.

Distributors to purchase flexibility instead of building new capacity.

Requirement to identify other strategic opportunities remains.

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16. Annex Project Review

This annex is a living document, which presents project information provided by key stakeholders within GM as part of our 5-year roadmap review as a part of the Whole System Smart Energy Plan for GM.

To support whole energy system change resulting in a smart and integrated approach, the following four areas provide our focus points and 5-year goals:

Generation and storage – 45 MW of additional generation by 2024; Decarbonisation of heat – 10.2 TWh of low carbon heat by 2024; Low carbon transport – Up to 200,000 low carbon vehicles by 2024; and Diversity and flexibility – 45 MW of diverse / flexible energy load by 202467.

This list represents an initial review of identified projects thus far but is not exhaustive. The projects support the delivery of the aspirations of the GM region. Further projects will be considered throughout the life of the proposed plan and where gaps in information are identified, these will be used to further refine and focus future stakeholder consultation. In addition, GM continues to work with ESC to develop opportunities for projects that follow on from the work in the SSH programme.

67 The energy background can be found within the Appendix of this document.

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Generation and Storage

Goal: 45 MW of additional generation by 2024.

Project Name Organisation Asset Type Description Value Commencement Date

Completion Date

PV Installation Anthesis PV Install Installation of PV Systems across two student accommodation sites.

250 kWp TBC TBC

Going Neutral Arup Evidence

A call for evidence for potential energy generation and storage sites across GM. Aim is to provide an Investment Prospectus to deliver GM’s Smart Energy aspirations.

£TBC October 2018 March 2019

Triangulum Siemens EES / CHP / PV / DSR

Smart energy demonstrator, demonstrating how low carbon energy generation and flexible storage assets, coupled with smart controls and digitalisation, can drive new model(s) for the local energy system within cities.

£5m January 2016 January 2020

Hydro Generation Hallidays Hydropower

Hydro Install

The installation of up to 8 Archimedes Hydroscrew technologies with the aim of delivering 1.8MW of low carbon power.

TBC January 2016 January 2021

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen for Green Energy in European Cities and Regions

Manchester Metropolitan University


Fuel cells and hydrogen (FCH) technology can be a key enabler to reduce emissions and realise the green energy transition in European regions and cities. Manchester was part of 89 regions and cities who participated, representing about one quarter of Europe’s population, surface area and GDP. These regions are pursuing ambitious plans to deploy FCH technology in the coming years. FCH investments totalling about EUR 1.8 billion are planned for these regions in the next 5 years.

£Nil January 2017

October 2018

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MANIFEST: Multi-scale Analysis for Facilities for Energy Storage (EPSRC).

University of Manchester Research

Experimental validation of multiscale modelling of electrochemical energy storage systems using Li-ion batteries. Evaluation of the control and performance of storage (electrochemical and thermal) assets at the equipment level. Grid wide control and coordination.

£TBC 2016 2020

Painless: energy autonomous Portable Access points for INfrastructure-LESS networks.

University of Manchester

Research Evaluation of power architectures using a combination of renewables, storage and energy harvesting.

TBC 2018 2022

Q-PLUS – intelligent building energy management system utilising energy storage

University of Manchester


Dynamic modelling of battery energy storage systems and design of enhancing models of renewable systems. Robust decision – support energy management framework for commercial buildings with behind the meter renewable and energy storage systems.

TBC 2018 2019

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Decarbonisation of Heat Goal: 10.2 TWh of low carbon heat by 2024.

Project Name Organisation Asset Type Description Value Commencement Date

Completion Date

ASHP Installation Anthesis ASHP Design and install of an ASHP for DHW in an accommodation site to reduce electricity demand by an estimated 500,000 kWh annually.


Piccadilly Heat Network

Anthesis for Manchester City Council

Gas CHP Gas CHP driven heat network servicing existing Network Rail buildings, HS2 and local new development coming on line up to 2030.

~£10m TBC TBC

Northern Gateway

Arup, Manchester City Council and the Far East Consortium


Gas CHP heat network with private wire serving the high-rise neighbourhoods. GSHPs coupled with thermal storage, PV panels and solar thermal on medium-rise units, ASHPs with thermal storage, PV panels and solar thermal on low-rise units.


Octagon Project Energy Network (OPEN) Manchester

Manchester Energy Partnership Limited

CHP District Heating and Power Network

A new Low Carbon Energy Centre and District Heating Generation Hub for the Manchester Strategic Southern Corridor, serving: public, health, commercial, student housing and residential buildings within the project area. A controllable heat and power load estimated to be around 10 MW, delivering a dedicated heat network plus access to lower cost electricity via existing grid connections under a Local Balancing agreement with ENWL.

£16m TBC Expected 2019 TBC

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Civic Quarter Heat Network

Manchester City Council

CHP Gas CHP driven heat network serving the Civic Quarter of Manchester.



Manchester Metropolitan University Fuel Cell CHP

Manchester Metropolitan University

CHP Hydrogen Fuel Cell CHP, serving John Dalton Campus with links to a wider heat network.



RED WoLF Oldham Council / First Choice Homes Oldham

PV, Battery Storage.

A technical project to build 20 new homes with state-of-the-art electric storage heaters, solar PV and battery storage to demonstrate a model for heating homes electrically, whilst smoothing the demand curve on the grid.

£800K January 2019 December 2022

Homes as Energy Systems (HAES)

Procure Plus

ASHP, GSHP, PV, battery, insultation measures and heat stores.

HAES is an ERDF funded demonstration project which will test a holistic and systemic approach to management of the energy network, through the cumulative, aggregated and managed impact of individual dwellings playing a more active role through energy demand reduction, embedded generation, energy storage and decarbonisation of heat. Involves over 700 dwellings across GM. This project also supports generation and storage and diversity and flexibility.

£10.5m October 2018 Summer 2021

Energy House 2 University of Salford


A multi-chamber fully climate-controlled research facility, capable of containing a variety of domestic builds. Enhanced development and research facilities building on the current and original Energy House.

£16m 2019 2020 / 2021

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Low Carbon Transport Goal: Up to 200,000 low carbon vehicles by 2024.

Project Name Organisation Asset Type Description Value Commencement Date

Completion Date

Recharge Parklets Arup Charging

Integration of EV charging infrastructure into Parklets where appropriate. (Parklets is a cross cutting initiative that supports the reduction of transport energy consumption).


New Network Capacity

Electricity North West Limited


To meet the expected growth in EV and other technologies, ENWL is investing over £35m in network capacity through the provisions of a combination of smart and traditional solutions.

£35m TBC TBC

Hydrogen Infrastructure

Manchester Metropolitan University


Manchester Metropolitan University by working with GMCA and Industry will commit to developing a strategy and policy to feed in to the next Mayors Green Summit.


Car Club Salford City Council


Opportunity to increase the proportion of EV’s within the fleet as part of the tender process to appoint an operator for the Salford Car Club during 2019.

£TBC January 2019 July 2019

EVCI Infrastructure Transport for Greater Manchester

EV Charging Network

TfGM is initiating a formal procurement process for the GMEV network that will seek a supplier to upgrade the existing infrastructure, expand with new infrastructure and potentially unlocking private investment in addition to expand the GMEV network further.

£TBC September 2018 Decision April 2019

Clean air - Early Intervention Measures Fund

Transport for Greater Manchester

EV Charging Network

TfGM is currently progressing expansion of the GMEV EVCI network with plans for installing a minimum of 24 dual point rapid chargers by September 2019 as part of the Early Measures project, funded by the Joint Air Quality Unit (JAQU).

£2m June 2018 September 2019

ESC SSH2 D40 Smart Energy Plan GMCA v2€¦· r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r d Z ] } µ u v ] u l - [PDF Document] (73)


Clean Air Plan – EV incentive measures

Transport for Greater Manchester

EV Charging Network

Further expansion of the GMEV network to add hundreds of rapid charge points. This will supply existing owners with confidence in infrastructure and mitigate concerns of potential owners over range and charging opportunities, delivered by 2023. Proposed locations would be assessed via the GM GIS based EV Charger Location Model and stakeholder engagement that is currently being delivered. It will use the GMEV EVCI supplier for deployment.

Up to £60m

2020 By 2023

ULEV taxi bid – OLEV funding

Transport for Greater Manchester

EV Charging Network

This bid seeks funding to provide infrastructure to specifically support plug in taxis and private hire vehicles. This would include exclusive charge locations and/or a booking system.

Up to £6m (likely £2-

3m) January 2019 March 2020

Ultra-Low Emission Bus funding (ULEBS) bid

Transport for Greater Manchester and Operators (Stagecoach & First)

Bus fleet & EV charging network

Multiple bids have been submitted to the scheme including a TfGM bid for 64 electric buses on subsidised and partner services including the Metro shuttle, Yellow School buses and Vantage services. Stagecoach have submitted a bid for 105 zero emission double deck buses. Both bids would require substantial depot infrastructure upgrades.

TfGM bid £28m

Stagecoach bid £56m

April 2019 March 2021

HAVEN University of Salford Research

Connection of two way charging in the domestic context.

£57K July 2018 January 2020

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Diversity and Flexibility Goal: 45 MW of diverse / flexible energy load by 2024.

Project Name Organisation Asset Type Description Value Commencement Date

Completion Date

Parklets Arup Infrastructure

The introduction of Parklets as a cross cutting initiative that supports the reduction of transport energy consumption by enabling a shift to cycle and walking, resulting in reduced private vehicle use and in the longer term limiting the need for EV charge infrastructure that will help avoid costly grid reinforcement.


Greater Manchester Local Energy Market

Electricity North West Limited, GMCA, Bruntwood, Hitachi and Upside Energy

Research Feasibility and high-level design for a local energy market capable of optimising supply with demand at a regional scale.

£200K January 2019 June 2019

Celsius Electricity North West Limited Research

Deliver a co-ordinated approach to managing the temperature of electrical assets in distribution substations. Will release additional capacity for low carbon technologies.

£5.5m January 2016 March 2020

Network Management System (NMS)

Electricity North West Limited Infrastructure

Replacement of the Control Room systems with a modern NMS gives greater control of the network enabling the further development of flexible services. Associated is the development of Active Network Monitoring (ANM) which is Super Grid to LV Smart Meter capable. Will be the first whole system ANM created in Europe, providing the platform through which more flexible capacity is delivered to generation and demand customers.

£20m January 2015 October 2019

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CLASS Electricity North West Limited Research

CLASS uses innovative techniques to manage electricity consumption using dynamic voltage control. This enables DSR from domestic and SME customers.

£9m 2014 Ongoing

DFES Electricity North West Limited

Research ENWL have published projections of the demand on the network and future capacity. This will help developers identify suitable areas for investment.


Big Clean Switch GMCA / Big Clean Switch

Switch Platform Making it easy for Greater Manchester residents and businesses to switch to clean, affordable energy.

c. £200 per home

October 2017 Ongoing

MIGRATE: The Massive Integration of Power Electronic Devices.

University of Manchester Research

Creation of real-time tools for online real-time system dynamic stability assessment. Tools to identify and visualise harmonic issues and interactions in power systems. Development of protection schemes suitable for power-electronic heavy grids.

£TBC 2016 2019

Smart Meters > Smart Homes

University of Salford


An eco-innovation environment looking at the potential of smart meters and smart homes technology to manage storage, generation, control and feedback.

£TBC October 2018 TBC

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Delivery Associates with known and identified GM Projects

ESC SSH2 D40 Smart Energy Plan GMCA v2€¦ · r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r d Z ] } µ u v ] u l - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.