Beaver Valley Pointer and Setter Club (2024)

Location: Rochester, Pennsylvania

Post Date: Apr 17, 2024

Submitted By: Allen Fazenbaker

Beaver Valley Pointer and Setter Club (1)

Open Puppy (l-r): Rich Fazio with Hitail Roxy Afield, Tim Swonger (judge), Chris Catanzarite with Backcountry Fearless, Reese Carroll, and Nick Lasica with Lucky Bee's Outlaw.

How many memories can one pack into 75 years? A lifetime, so they say. So, how many memories can one bird dog club pack into 75 years? A thousand? One hundred thousand? A million, dare say? The Beaver Valley Pointer and Setter Club has that many memories, and on the 75th anniversary of this iconic club, there are a million more to be made. We continued that process on the weekend of March 15 and 16 as we held our annual spring gathering at the Beaver grounds in Rochester Twp., Pennsylvania.

In 1949, a group of gentlemen gathered in western Pennsylvania with the intent to form an organization that would offer a venue for local bird dog enthusiasts to compete with their dogs in horseback field trials. Thus, came about the Beaver Valley Pointer and Setter Club. Little did these gentlemen know that the Beaver Valley Pointer and Setter Club would become an icon of American Field bird dog competition for Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, and surrounding states.

On this March weekend in 2024, well-wishers and competitors gathered at these well-known grounds to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the club and to continue the tradition of running pointing dogs to determine the "Best of the Day" in the field! We owe a note of gratitude to those founders who had the foresight and initiative to push forward and offer these grounds to the field trial community. Bill Miller, Ed Honhold, George McCreary, Sam Overholt, Dick Baglan, Dick Hudson, and John Lippscomb raised funds and purchased 368 acres of land in the rolling foothills north of Pittsburgh on Bonzo Road. In the next few years, a clubhouse was erected, a barn refurbished, and the first field trials became a reality. It wasn't long before walking trials were introduced, originally under the auspices of the American Bird Hunters Association, and Beaver Valley never looked back.
Today, the Beaver Valley Pointer and Setter Club is the embodiment of walking field trials in the region. If the walls of the Beaver Valley clubhouse could talk, what stories we would hear! Beaver Valley not only serves as a center of walking trials but also is a stalwart supporter and member of the Pennsylvania Walking Shooting Dog Association, a longtime advocate of American Field-supported walking trials in the region. Beaver Valley is frequently the location of the PWSDA annual meeting (to be held this year at Beaver Valley on June 22 in conjunction with our Youth Trial Day) and has been a member of the Association since its inception.

William F. Brown, long-time publisher and owner of The American Field, said it best. "The object of field trials is the promotion and development of the high-class bird dog. It is a means of enjoying the great out-of-door sport of bird hunting in the most aesthetic fashion. It aims to provide competition of the highest kind among bird dogs, to stimulate enthusiasm among owners, and to act as a practical guide for breeders by setting a high standard of performance. Field trials mold opinions of conformation and perfect the mechanism of the ideal bird dog. There is a particular physical makeup of the well-bred bid dog that is indispensable to the performance of those duties wherefore he is highly valued. Without this equipment he is not so well fitted to perform those duties in a finished fashion. Bird dog trials thus influence physical standards. Although field qualities are all-important in the utility bird dog, is it desirable to have beauty of conformation, with brain power, intelligence, and bird sense." (fr. Field Trials: History, Management, and Judging Standards, William F. Brown, 1982). This is the spirit and the intent of the Beaver Valley Pointer and Setter Club, which carries the club to its present day.

This weekend could not have been a success if not for the many helping hands who pitched in to make for a great weekend. Bob Smith and Reese Carroll were our bird planters, ensuring a good supply of game in the field for our dogs to hunt. The pickup duties were handled by Justin Mason and Nick Lasica. Joe Cammisa handled the kitchen duties, no small task on this busy weekend, and he did so with smiles and good conversation. The food was delicious. Also, a big thank you to the individuals who graciously provided use of their ATVs and side-by-side vehicles for the pick-up group, judges, reporter, and bird planters.

We had a slate of experienced and capable judges. Handling the Open stakes on Saturday were Tim Swonger and Rich Jarosinski, both highly experienced field trialers with a wealth of knowledge. The Amateur stakes on Sunday were handled by Norm and Alex Meeder, long-time Beaver Valley Club members, and experienced field trialers. This crop of judges is enthusiastic, honest, fair, and has a good eye for a quality bird dog. We couldn't have done better. Thank you.

While it takes people to run a good trial, it also takes support. A stalwart of the bird dog world stepped up to the plate and provided the support needed to keep this sport alive and well. Purina, maker of Pro Plan feeding products, is certainly no stranger to the field trial community. Where would we be without them? If you haven't tried Purina products with your bird dog, your dog is missing out on some high-quality nutrition. Pick up a bag and try it; you won't be disappointed. Thank you to Purina rep Greg Blair and Purina.

Another valuable and essential contributor to our sport is the professional trainers who participate in our events. We are ever thankful to Hall of Famer Dave Hughes, Mark Hughes, Scott Forman, and Nick Mellon, who supported our weekend not only with entries but also by lending a helping hand to the many chores that must be done to keep the trial moving forward. Thanks to each of you!

This reporter would be remiss if he did not make note of the trial chairs who planned, organized, and brought this trial to a successful fruition. Joe Cammisa and Norm Meeder, both longtime club members, deserve a special note of thanks for their efforts. It has been said by some that the sport of field trials is on the downturn, and perhaps it may be. You would not have had such an impression at this event. Joe, Norm, and the Beaver Valley Pointer and Setter Club members deserve special thanks, not simply for organizing and implementing a great weekend trial but also for their extra efforts in assisting the several folks who came and ran their first field trial. It was especially good to see the number of young people at the trial this weekend, including youngsters in strollers and toddlers new to walking! If there is anything that is needed to keep our sport alive, it is young people. Beaver Valley Pointer and Setter Club had no shortage of young people this weekend. Well done!

Beaver Valley Pointer and Setter Club is just a few miles northeast of the junction of the Beaver and Ohio Rivers in western Pennsylvania. Being in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, the terrain is rolling to undulating; the grounds themselves are a mixture of woodlands and open areas, with the open areas planted to feed strips and crops designed to hold birds. During this weekend, the weather was sunny and pleasant on Saturday but not too warm to impact dogs. Sunday's weather was cooler, with clouds moving in and temperatures dropping as the day progressed. Both days were excellent for running dogs.

The Running
The Open stakes began on Saturday, albeit a bit late due to a persistent fog that had settled in during the night. The Open Puppy commenced with a very respectable 10 entries.

Brace 1: JJ (BM/Johnson) hunted hard and worked the cover well; he was fast and made a couple of nice casts in the open. His bracemate, Rex (PM/Tressita), was picked up early.
Brace 2: Mickey (PM/Bowser) and Jake (PM/Catanzarite) ran hard out of the gate and were lost to judgment.

Brace 3: Roxy (SF/Fazio) showed a wide and forward race, with a classy and flowing gait, and hunted hard with nice application to take first place. Odis (ESM/Forman) showed a moderate pace but not the maturity of his bracemate.

Brace 4: Dash (PM/Mason) was lost to judgment. Les (PF/Catanzarite) showed a nicely applied forward race and hunted with purpose to earn second place.

Brace 5: Zivah (ESF/Forman) and Odie (PM/Lasica) started the brace tentatively but soon picked up speed, with Odie moving to the front and showing a classy gait and style to take third place.

The Open Derby commenced immediately following the puppy stake, with eight entries.

Brace 1: Molly (ESF/Drawl) ran the course but had no birds. Lenni (RSM/Fazenbaker) showed a wide and forward race, scoring two finds and a nonproductive; he displayed broke manners on his birds and a very pleasing handle for a wide-ranging race to earn the first-place spot for the stake.

Brace 2: Princess (ESF/Forman) showed a nice race, although lateral at times. She had no bird work. Dusty (PM/M. Hughes) showed a wide and forward race with one find displaying broke manners. This classy moving dog earned the second-place finish for his efforts.

Brace 3: Zeke (ESM/Mellon) and Mac (ESM/Forman) hunted hard, with Zeke showing a wider reach; no birds were produced from their efforts.

Brace 4: Pepper (ESF/Forman) garnered third place in the stake with one find, showing derby manners and a pleasing medium race. Roxy (ESM/Fazio) handled his first bird with broke manners and then a second find with a brief chase. He showed his retrieving skills, scooping his bracemate's find, and scored a nonproductive at time.

The hotly contested Open Shooting Dog stake brought a wealth of high-quality dogs to the line. Both judges commented on the challenges of choosing three dogs, as they both indicated that numerous dogs showed outstanding performances.

Brace 1: The first brace of the stake also produced the eventual winner. Warrior Zeke (PM/D. Hughes) and Parker (PM/M. Hughes) broke away and ran to the bottom, where Parker scored a non-productive with Zeke backing. Back on top, Zeke scored the first find at 15 minutes, with Parker backing. Parker scored a find at 18 near the oil well, with Zeke backing. Parker scored again on the backside at 22 on a relocation, with Zeke backing. Parker suffered his second nonproductive along the bottom. Zeke took over, with a find along the bottom at 26; he finished strong and to the front to win the stake.

Brace 2: Mags (ESF/Forman) scored the first find at 6 along the upper tree line but was on the leash after being seen under a bird at 9. Zeke (PM/M. Hughes) pointed his first find at the end of the breakaway, followed by nicely handled finds at 4, 12, and 15. He finished the brace to the front.

Brace 3: Remi (ESF/D. Hughes) scored a find early, with a bit of motion on the flush. Ellie Mae (ESF/M. Hughes) showed a wide- and far-ranging race, covering the course with a classy way of going. She scored finds at 6 along the lower tree line, 9 along the topside, 11 on the backside, and 15 in the island, albeit with some ticking on her bird work as the handler approached. She finished strong to the front.

Brace 4: Molly (ESF/M. Hughes) suffered a nonproductive along the breakaway but then picked up the pace to score her first find near the oil well, with Mae (PF/Giancaomo) backing. Molly scored again 11 on the backside; Mae was on the hook after failing to back. Molly scored her third find in the lower woods; she finished strong and to the front.

Brace 5: Bit (PF/D. Hughes) had a nonproductive at the end of the breakaway; Uno (PM/Knight) scored the first find of the brace at 9 on the upper tree line with Bit honoring but was picked up after going with the flush. Bit suffered a second nonproductive near the oil well at 14 but then went on to score three finds at 17, 19, and 20. She finished strong.

Brace 6: Proof (ESM/Forman) and Cricket (PF/Hughes) both showed strong races as they moved through the course. Proof scored the first find at 7 along the lower portion of the course, with Cricket backing. Cricket scored her first bird at 18 in the lower woods and again in the same area at 22. Proof pointed at 24 in the lower woods with Cricket backing but was picked up after moving on the bird. Cricket finished strong.

Brace 7: Penny (PF/M. Hughes) and Shelby (VIZ F/Basic) showed a wide application from the start; Penny scored her only find at 11 on the island, and Shelby was up after failing to honor. Penny showed a forward and strong application to earn third place in the stake.

Brace 8: Breaking away hard, Sadie (PF/M. Hughes) scored her first find at the far tree line, with Bubba (ESM/Mellon) backing. Sadie scored again in a feed strip near the backside, showing good manners. Next was Bubba, with a find at 15; he showed a bit of movement on the shot. Sadie scored again at 17 in the woods and then dug up another find at 20 in a feed strip along the bottom. Both dogs finished, with Sadie strong to the front, earning her the second place in the stake.

Brace 9: Spec (PF/M. Hughes) and Renny (PF/Knight) bolted along the breakaway with a strong start; Spec veered downward, scoring a find in the bottom at 6; Renny scored along the topside. Renny scored again at 9 with Spec honoring. She took a sidestep as the handler approached after the shot. Both dams scored finds on the backside, with all in order. Renny scored two additional finds, in the island and along the wood line, with some movement as handler approached. Spec honored. Just before moving into the bowl, the dams scored a divided find, with all in order. Both dogs suffered a nonproductive as they raced across the bowl to the finish.

Sunday brought cooler weather for the Amateur stakes; the temperature dropped throughout the day, but the last stake was finished before the rain and sleet came on. The Amateur Derby started the running.

Brace 1: Both dogs in this brace, Molly (ESF/Drawl) and Mack (ESM/Abraham), were rough on the handle, and patterns were a bit erratic. Molly produced no birds; Mack scored a find at time, with a hearty chase to finish the brace.

Brace 2: Lenni (RSM/Fazenbaker) came out strong, moving up to the top tree line in quick order. He rounded the backside and disappeared in the bottom. His scout found him standing on a nice limb find, showing broke manners on his game. Mac (PM/Bowser) scored a find in the woods and showed a medium race to finish, taking third place for his effort. Lenni finished wide and strong to the front to take the blue in this stake.

Brace 3: Zeke (PM/Leone) showed a strong race out of the box, scoring his first find at 6 along the lower tree line, displaying broke manners. He scored finds at 10 and 15, with a merry chase ensuing on these flushes. He finished in the bowl, suffering a nonproductive near time. His performance awarded him the second place in the stake. Rex's Unfinished Business (PM/Tressler) was scratched at the line and did not run.

With the temperature dropping, the Amateur Shooting Dog commenced a little before lunch. Eighteen dogs vied for the placements.

Brace 1: The first brace of the Amateur Shooting Dog also produced the second-place winner, Wayne (PM/K. Munden). Wayne and his bracemate Butch (PM/Park) both showed a pleasing and forward race, with Wayne scoring the first find on the tree line at the end of the breakaway, with Butch backing. Butch scored shortly after in the same area, with a bird produced after an extensive flushing effort by the handler. Wayne dug up another find on the top tree line, with Butch honoring the effort. At the oil well, both dogs pointed, scoring a divided find. Wayne scored an additional find at 17 on the backside of the course. Both dogs finished forward, with Wayne to the front to earn the No. 2 spot for the stake.

Brace 2: The second brace produced the Amateur winner, Blaze (PM/Mason). Blaze was strong out of the gate, scoring his first find at the end of the breakaway, with his bracemate Lucky (BRIT M/Jarosinski) honoring. He scored again in the top tree line, with Lucky honoring. Moving to the backside, Blaze scored his third find; Lucky ran out of luck at 12 and was picked up after being observed under a bird. Blaze scored again at 15 in the island; moving forward, he suffered a nonproductive along the top edge of the bowl and finished with class and style, strong and to the front.

Brace 3: Bit (PF/M. Munden) and Uno (ESM/Knight) were fast out of the gate; Uno was soon on the leash after taking out a bird. Bit drove hard down into the bowl with a furious race and was found pointing in a thick blowdown of trees on the far side of the bowl. Shooting her back up the hill, Bit found the course and stabbed a find near the oil well at 16, with all in order. At 21, she scored a nice wing find on the far backside, dug up by her scout. She scored again at 24 along the backside on the bottom. Moving towards the bowl from the backside, Bit suffered a nonproductive at the island but shot into the bottom and slammed hard into a find at time.

Brace 4: Shelby (VIZ F/Basic) was found standing in some grassy cover at the end of the breakaway at 3; Stella (GSP/Ketchel) moved in on her bracemate's point and broke on the bird on the shot. Shelby suffered a nonproductive at the island, then scored a find in the bottom. Shelby showed a nice finish and hunted hard throughout the brace.

Brace 5: Mae (PF/Giancaomo) and Chuck (PM/K. Munden) both pushed hard out of the gate, with Chuck scoring a find on the upper tree line. Mae failed to honor and was up. Chuck scored an additional find on the backside at 12 and finished strong and to the front.

Brace 6: River (RSM/Fazenbaker) and Sadie (PF/E. Munden) started slow out of the gate but quickly picked up speed. River was found standing on the back of the upper tree line, and a bird was produced after an extensive relocation. He was on the leash on the backside after failing to stop on a stop to flush. Sadie ran and hunted hard but had no birds.

Brace 7: Ellie Mae (SF/Bressler) showed a hard pace out of the gate and pointed at 6 along the upper tree line, albeit with some ticking as the handler approached. She scored again at 10 near the oil well. Denver (PM/Park) pointed at the same time but produced no bird after self-relocation. Ellie Mae finished hard and to the front; Denver produced no birds.

Brace 8: Renny (PF/Knight) and Lola (PF/E. Munden) show a fast and furious race; Renny scored the first find at 6 along the lower tree line, with Lola honoring. Lola scored at the oil well, with Renny honoring. Lola scored again in the lower woods and, with a hard race forward, scored again in the bowl. Renny was lost, and the tracker was called for. Lola finished strong and to the front to take third place for the brace.

Brace 9: Bryant (PM/Mason) scored his first find on the upper tree line at 6, again at 8 in the upper woods, a third at 9 on the backside, and again at the island. He finished with a nice forward race. Holly (BM/Johnson) had no birds.

Thanks to the handlers, owners, and everyone who helped make the Beaver Valley Pointer and Setter Club spring trial a success. Remember to mark your calendar for the 75th Anniversary fall trial! You won't want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime event. Join us and make some memories.

Rochester, Pa., March 16
Judges: Richard Jarosinski and Tim Swonger
OPEN PUPPY - 8 Pointers and 2 Setters

1st-HITAIL ROXY AFIELD, 1705101, setter male, by Dun Rovens Zip-Castle Rock's Autumn Breeze. Russell Fazio, owner and handler.
2d-BACKCOUNTRY FEARLESS, 1705245, pointer female, by Springflow's Backcountry P-Apple Annie's Sweet Delight. Chris Catanzarite, owner; Reese Carrol, handler.
3d-LUCKY BEE'S OUTLAW, 1704448, pointer male, by Springflow's Backcountry P-Apple Annie's Sweet Delight. Nick Lasica, owner and handler.

Beaver Valley Pointer and Setter Club (2)

Open Derby (l-r): Al Fazenbaker with CC Lenni Lenape, Tim Swonger (judge), Mark Hughes with Miller's Dusty Version, Mike Husenits, Rich Jarosinski (judge), and Scott Forman with Wynona's Payday.

OPEN DERBY - 2 Pointers, 6 Setters, and 1 Irish Setter
1st-CC LENNI LENAPE, 1705228, Irish setter male, by Silver Creek Wild Again-Roses Are Red. Al Fazenbaker, owner and handler.
2d-MILLERS DUSTY VERSION, 1706290, pointer female, by Miller's Upgraded Version-Miller's Special Edition. Mike Husenits, owner; Mark Hughes, handler.
3d-WYNONA'S PAYDAY, 1703554, setter female, by T's Ridge Reaper-Wynona's Nickleback Molly. Kelly Ehde, owner; Christie Foreman, handler.

1st-DOUBLE DEUCE ZEKE, 1673940, pointer male, by Double Deuce Peter-Funseeker's Holiday. Doug McMillen Jr., owner; Mark Hughes, handler.
2d-SADDLED UP SADIE, 1699757, pointer female, by Double Deuce Zeke-Beaver Meadow Rose. Joe Cammisa, owner; Mark Hughes, handler.
3d-MILLER'S SPECIAL UPGRADE, 1695107, pointer female, by Miller's Upgraded Version-Miller's Special Edition. Carlos Escalante, owner; Mark Hughes, handler.

Beaver Valley Pointer and Setter Club (3)

Open Shooting Dog (l-r): Krysta Munden Double Deuce Zeke, Tim Swonger (judge), Joe Cammisa with Saddled Up Sadie, Rich Jarosinski (judge), Mark Hughes with Miller's Special Upgrade, and an unknown youth.

Judges: Les Bressler and Alex Meeder
AMATEUR DERBY - 3 Pointers, 2 Setters, and 1 Irish Setter

1st-CC LENNI LENAPE, 1705228, Irish setter male, by Silver Creek Wild Again-Roses Are Red. Al Fazenbaker, owner and handler.
2d-HYPOINTE SHARPSHOOTER, 1706315, setter male, by Dun Rovens Zip-Castle Rock's Autumn Breeze. Nick Mallon Jr., owner; Pete Leone, handler.
3d-FLEETFOOT MAC, 1702321, setter male, by Ponderosa Mac-Hunter's Flight Risk. Randy Abraham, owner and handler.

Beaver Valley Pointer and Setter Club (4)

Amateur Derby (l-r): Al Fazenbaker with CC Lenni Lenape, Alex Meeder (judge), Pete Leone with Hipoints Sharpshooter, and Joe Cammisa with Fleetfoot Mac.

Judges: Alex Meeder and Norm Meeder

1st-BACKCWOODS WILD FIRE BLAZE, 1691395, pointer male, by Erin's Wild Justice-Hollywood Hot'n'tot. Austin Mason, owner and handler.
2d-WILDLAND WILD MAN, 1695981, pointer male, by Double Deuce Zeke-Beaver Meadow Rose. Eric Munden, owner; Krysta Munden, handler.
3d-WILDLAND WARRIOR, 1676947, pointer female, by Erin's War Creek-Suemac's Coventry. Eric Munden, owner; Krysta Munden, handler.

Beaver Valley Pointer and Setter Club (5)

Amateur Shooting Dog (l-r): Justin Mason with Backwoods Wild Fire Blaze, Norm Meeder (judge), Krysta Munden with Wildland Wild Man, Alex Meeder (judge), and Eric Munden with Wildland Wariror.

Beaver Valley Pointer and Setter Club (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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